Assure Partners with Ferrum Network

Provider of OPTIX and Diligence services for their IDO platform

Hester Hemmes
2 min readJun 10, 2021

Today we are proud to announce that Assure & Ferrum Network have formed a partnership 🚀

Ferrum Network is empowering individuals with decentralized finance.

With Ferrum, users are able to exchange and transact any digital asset, peer-to-peer, in milliseconds, for near-zero fees. Besides the main FRM token, there is also FRMX, a sustainable staking governance token with valuable utilities

Ferrum allows you to take control of your money with a vertically integrated line of DeFi applications including:

  • Ferrum Staking Services
  • Ferrum Advisory Services (FAS)
  • UniFyre Wallet (Non-Custodial)
  • Plus more!

Assure is a platform focused on bringing a suite of unbiased informational resources to DeFi start-ups.

These offerings include compliant KYC services, Optix Audits & Due Diligence Reports.

Our KYC services allow anon project owners to keep their public anonymity whilst providing a positive boost to community trust. Optics audits provide a real-time prioritized guide for project owners with where their time (and money) will be best spent in order to improve value perception by potential investors.

Due Diligence reports aid investors in making more informed investment decisions & also provide a centralized/consolidated information resource that allows critical project data to be more easily accessible for all.

We believe our core values are aligned — making the DeFi space a safer place for investors, together!

The Partnership 🤝

Assure is to provide our OPTIX & Due Diligence services to all projects that launch via Ferrum’s IDO platform, helping to ensure they are ready and prepared to go to market with the best chances of success. Additionally, Assure will optionally consult with projects that have applied to Ferrum’s platform to help strengthen their offering before coming to market.

More details to follow!

We are excited to be partnering with a project like Ferrum Network and we can’t wait to get to work!

Please support our new partner, Ferrum, by joining their Telegram community and following their socials. ⚡️


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