Our dApp Staking Portal V2 is Live!

Jerad | Astar
Astar Network
Published in
5 min readNov 3, 2022


The new portal improves dApp staking information, user experience, and portal functionality.

DApp staking is one of the easiest ways to participate in our ecosystem and support the ethos of a decentralized network that grows with our community. The portal page is the shared space of our close-knit community; the first meeting point where users, stakers, and developers directly interact with each other. Here, users can explore the dApps of our ecosystem–DeFi, NFTs, Tooling, and Utility. You, as a user, can choose your favorite dApp to use and become a dApp staker by supporting your favorite projects. Both dApp stakers and developers receive ASTR inflation rewards. An economic relationship is created that incentivizes stakers to financially support our number 1 human asset: developers.

You can read more about dApp staking in our three-part series of #BUILD2EARN. For developers who are ready to start building on Astar, you should check out this guide: The Benefits of dApp Staking for Developers.

What we were missing?

While dApp staking offers the benefits of financial incentives and creating a developer-centered architecture, the portal interface hasn’t delivered this in the most user-friendly way. We are at a point in our journey where staking must be a great user experience. Our portal needs to encourage user participation and improve everyone’s understanding of dApp staking. DApp staking portal v2 now improves staking information, user experience, and portal functionality.

There will be several stages to complete the full rollout of v2. We will announce new features and UI as they are added. Once complete we will have an intuitive page with clear information that better connects the community of stakers to dApp developers. Below we will walk you through this first batch of new features, and then share what we are adding over the upcoming months to complete v2.

The Portal Page V2 — MVP

Three areas of the portal page have been developed to address the limitations mentioned above: user panel, projects page, and the staking page.

  1. New User Panel
Staking Metrics

At the top of the page you’ll notice a new header that clearly highlights the major metrics that are important to stakers:

  • TVL in dApp staking
  • Current era
  • Staking APR
  • Total dApps whitelisted for dApp staking

These four metrics will continue to track the evolution of our networks.

Developer Incentives are now displayed to clearly communicate to new builders about the portion of inflation rewards directed to our dApps. That currently sits at 287,712 ASTR each era (roughly every 24 hours)!

Below this, is where you find the new user panel to help you manage your staking rewards and nominated dApps.

User Panel

There are three tabs in your User Panel:

  • My Rewards: staking details, including total rewards earned
  • Unbonding: a list of ASTR that are currently unbonding
  • My dApps: a single list with all nominated dApps and management functions to add or reallocate staked assets

2. New Projects Page

Projects Page

The new Projects Page is designed to aggregate all the important information about a dApp into one spot, including:

  • Important dApp-specific graphics
  • Staking information (number of stakers and total staked)
  • Builders bio for the team
  • Project-specific information (socials, official links, & basic dApp architecture)

Each project on the portal staking page can share important messages and general information. Sharing this publicly makes it easier for users and stakers to learn about the dApp’s products and keep up-to-date about the project’s goals and achievements. Ultimately, the projects page is a way for dApps to build trust with the community by sharing their progress and improving transparency.

3. Improved Staking Page

The portal Staking Page now displays links to help everyone navigate our ecosystem; we will highlight the most useful tutorials and videos for you. Additionally, the new staking page will promote the developers that contribute to the network. In addition to providing the UI that allows you to easily support developers via staking, we want the portal to celebrate the hard-working projects found on Astar and Shiden.

Finally, you will see our dApps grouped into four categories: DeFi, NFTs, Tooling, and Utility. It will be easier to find a new dApp project on the portal.

Future Improvements

Over the upcoming months we’ll add additional features and UI elements to improve clarity and enhance the usability of the staking page. Three major updates to look out for are:

1. Visualization of Dynamic Inflation. Providing a visual of the network’s current distribution of inflation rewards (see example below). Currently, the portion of rewards that is shared between the treasury and stakers is dynamic, meaning these rewards fluctuate based on the TVL and other parameters of the network. With the addition of this visualization, stakers can better understand the inflation structure of ASTR/SDN directly on the portal staking page. No digging through docs or polkadot.js.

Visualization of Dynamic Inflation

2. Enhanced Staking Functionality. Staking should be a painless and enjoyable process. Both Astar and Shiden stakers will have the option to easily Rebond their tokens that are unbonding from a staked dApp. It’s a small feature that will give you more flexibility and greater control of your assets.

3. Customized Design. This feature is fun. We will be able to customize the portal display. So, yes… we can celebrate holidays and events from across the world: Christmas or Japanese New Year? Though I vote for Oktoberfest! Most importantly, we can further highlight the builders of Astar–our dApps and their current events will be displayed and promoted on the portal.

Visit the Portal V2

The absolute best way to learn about our dApp Staking Portal V2 is to visit our page and try it out yourself: https://portal.astar.network/. Please, reach out with any feedback by using the links below. We’re building this together.

About Astar

Astar Network — The Future of Smart Contracts for Multichain.

Astar Network supports the building of dApps with EVM and WASM smart contracts and offers developers true interoperability, with cross-consensus messaging (XCM). We are made by developers and for developers. Astar’s unique Build2Earn model empowers developers to get paid through a dApp staking mechanism for the code they write and dApps they build.

Astar’s vibrant ecosystem has become Polkadot’s leading Parachain globally, supported by all major exchanges and tier 1 VCs. Astar offers the flexibility of all Ethereum and WASM toolings for developers to start building their dApps. To accelerate growth on Polkadot and Kusama Networks, Astar SpaceLabs offers an Incubation Hub for top TVL dApps.

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