Asterisk Week 03: Sobre Esquecer

Asterisk Project
Asterisk Project
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2018


They thought I’d forget. I know. But I remember. Everything.


Texto por: Viviane Souza

Essa terceira semana, era a minha segunda no projeto, e a minha vez de escolher o prompt semanal. O prompt foi o seguinte: “They thought I’d forget. I know. But I remember. Everything.”, e como o de costume, cada um precisava escrever um texto com base nessa frase.

Eu tirei o prompt do twitter, de onde eu não saía naquela semana. Não escolhi a frase por nenhum motivo especial. Foi apenas porque assim que eu li, soube o que iria escrever.

E esse foi o resultado dessa semana:


I used to listen to that lullaby, sang by the fairy and whispered by the wind, illuminated by the blue corny moon and hugged by the trees.

I remember Father sky and Mother Earth kissing each other by night, dancing in the brave oceans and sleeping in the stars.

I told them, but they thought I’d forget.

I was rising up factoides. But I remember. Everything.


Crooked allies

With mishaped houses

Are facing me with tired eyes

Splatted on the wall, like the blood of the lamb, are my memories

At night the dreamers arrive

With flashlights and torches

Chanting old hymes

I stand still

(Do not speak it’s name

It’ll find your home)

Forgotten by all

Lost in the woods at night in the cold

When all the flashlights have disappeared

I bath on the blood

I walk down the allies

And I remember.


Remember that day when you did hurt me? No? Yeah, I knew it. Did you think I’d forget, but I remember very well what you did to me. Everything you said to me. I just keep to myself. It’s easier not to talk about this. It’s easier to pretend that I’ve forgotten, or pretend this never happened.

They thought I’d forget. I know. But I remember. Everything.

It was a beautiful day. A beautiful sunny day. It was a good day to go to the beach, I guess. I could hear the birds singing, making everything better and happier. It was windy and I could see all the trees in my backyard swinging. It looked like they were dancing in the rhythm of the song I heard.

So I heard what you said to me. I pretended I was fine, but only I know what I felt. And it made my day fade to gray.

Ana tentou fazer um poema nessa semana. Alguém, por favor, diz que ela conseguiu!

O Júnior, assim como a Ana, escreveu algo bem poético. Aliás, os dois sempre fazem algo nessa vibe.

E eu, assim que li o prompt, soube o que ia escrever. Veio a história na minha mente, e eu apenas escrevi. Fiquei bem satisfeita com o resultado, por ser apenas meu segundo texto.

Toda semana fazemos uma playlist com músicas relacionadas ao tema do prompt. Siga a gente no Spotify, também!

Você pode ouvir a playlist pelo Spotify, SoundsGood ou Youtube clicando no link. Clique na seta pra ver todas as faixas da playlist!

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Asterisk Project
Asterisk Project

Projeto Asterisk: um lugar para treinar o inglês & escrita criativa