Asterisk Week 20: Sobre Mim

Asterisk Project
Asterisk Project
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2018

The thing I love the most about myself


Asterisk Project: Grupo de Escrita Criativa

Texto por: Viviane Souza

O que você pensa sobre você mesmo? O que você mais gosta em você? Foi sobre isso que nós falamos na última semana. O prompt foi escolhido pelo Guilherme, e é o seguinte: “The thing I love the most about myself”.

Abaixo vocês conferem os nossos textos:


When I’m scared to do it
It’s when I do it.
Uncomfortable and alone
I stand afraid.

I’ll soon jump off the train
I’m just getting my shit together
I’ll send back a postcard and a picture of me

This prompt came at the right moment for me, since this Monday is my birthday and I tend to be very reflective in this “getting-older” occasion. I believe everyone faces this birthday feeling, this state of mind that makes us think about what we’ve done so far, who we are and what we want to do or be in this new year ahead of us.

So, if I think about myself, just a few hours away from becoming a 26 years old person, I have to say that there are several things that I like about myself. If you have asked me this question some years ago, I wouldn’t know for sure how to answer. For a long time in my life, my list of flaws was always bigger than my list of virtues. But luckily, not long ago my mind shifted and started focusing more on my strengths instead of my weaknesses. It was the result of an ongoing learning process to tough my self-esteem mussel, and so far I’m happy with the improvements!

Anyways, today I feel more confident and serene about myself. I like the way my hair is always messy, always curly. I like the way my brain works, almost as intricate as my curls are, with ideas that connect with each other and allow me to imagine incredible worlds. I like my writing, I feel I was born to do this and with each word I put down on paper I know I’m becoming a better writer. I like the things I’ve learnt with people I love and admire, and I feel very lucky for having them in my life. I like that I’m passionate about life, that I’m impulsive, optimistic and even a bit clumsy.

But if I had to define one thing and one thing only that I love the most about myself, it would be my determination. I love goals, I have plenty of them, and they make me invincible: if I want something, I will work hard, make the necessary sacrifices, and one way or another, I will achieve my objective at the end. Fighting for my dreams has made me the person I’m today, and I know that my will is the most valuable asset I have in order to go after the things I want to achieve.

So, tonight, pre-celebrating another year of life, I can say that I’m determined to love myself, to be humble about the things I want to improve, and to be open to learn, grow and become a better person by the time I’m 27.



A girl who loves music, words, and English

A girl who likes to write, to read and to sing

What’s the thing I love the most about myself?

Is my love for writing, how I can use the words to express how I am feeling

And each part of me that makes me myself.


The thing I love the most about myself is my ability to get through some things that used to hurt me when I was fragile.

Yes, I was fragile.

I feel everything with so much intensity… I feel every intense feeling that’s growing inside me. I still feel too much. I’m still too intense. But now I can make this thingsto be great to me, now I know how to control my pain.

The thing I love the most about myself is my ability to solve my own problems, my ability to decide what’s the best thing to me. This thing is my force. And my self-love. And, of course, all the intense feelings that living inside me.

And they will live here forever.


I am a poet
but not the best one
I am a lover
but not the best one
I am a son
but not the best one
I am a brother
but not the best one
I am a friend
but not the best one
I am an uncle
but not the best one
I am an officer
but not the best one
I am a lot of things
but not the best one
at any of them
However, I try
I insist
I push forward
I do not give in
That means I’m not the worst one either
And that, my friends,
is the thing I love the most
about myself.


The thing that I love the most about myself is my ability to blindly stumble into good things. I don’t deserve most of the good that is in my life, yet it is there nonetheless. Perhaps there is a God out there that cares for me, or perhaps this is all just by chance. At times I feel unworthy of assuming either answer is correct.

The fact of the matter is that I have mostly been oblivious to others all of my life, comfortably living in my own little world. I try to do good for others, and I sometimes do, but I haven’t done half of what I should. In spite of all of this, I have a loving family, a job, a comfortable living situation, and I go to college. This is more than many people alive today could ever hope for, and I forget this fact more than I’d like to admit. All in all, I suppose that all one can do is increase selflessness and decrease selfishness. I’m certainly trying.

Durante essa semana os textos foram muito pessoais, diziam muito sobre nós mesmos! Segundo Guilherme, o prompt “Surgiu de uma reflexão sobre a pressão constante a que somos submetidos, para sermos coisas demais, sobre estudos, trabalho, família. A intenção é cada um reconhecer em si a autoestima que fica meio perdida nesse caos que é a vida no século XXI.”

Toda semana fazemos uma playlist com músicas relacionadas ao tema do prompt. Siga a gente no Spotify, também!

Para saber mais sobre nosso projeto é só clicar aqui. Lembrando que você também pode participar do nosso projeto, basta mandar um e-mail pra gente aqui.

Os textos produzidos foram corrigidos por nós mesmos, então nos perdoe por qualquer erro!

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Asterisk Project
Asterisk Project

Projeto Asterisk: um lugar para treinar o inglês & escrita criativa