Asterisk Week 21: Sobre Não Estar Presente

Asterisk Project
Asterisk Project
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2018

You Were Never Really Here

Asterisk Project: Grupo de Escrita Criativa

Texto por: Ana Azevedo

Na semana de 22/05/2018 escrevemos sobre a ausência. O prompt “You Were Never Really Here” foi sugerido por mim e veio do título do novo filme da Lynne Ramsay. Mesmo ainda não tendo assistido o filme, esse título e a trilha sonora ( Jonny Greenwood) me chamaram muita atenção. Abaixo, os textos que foram produzidos nessa semana pelo nosso grupo, inspirados por essa frase:


I blame you

My mom and you, for so long, used to be
my role model of a couple,
since I was too little and naive to understand about love
and about every little thing
that takes place in a sharing life.
By the time you were gone from our house
I could fathom the truth:
you were never really here.

Being abandoned is not only about
being left physically.
You left my mom emotionally.
You left me and all your five other children

Emotional abandon is the worst,
’cause it made us grow up thinking love had to be that downhill
in which our mom cried all the time
and you drank and gambled and
left us dry in the dark so many times.

No wonder we developed all these trust issues.
No wonder we had to learn so much
from life and from failures.
No wonder our mom worked so hard
and still had some of us lost in the way.

I blame you for our misfortune.
I blame you for every shade of mistrust
that grew up between us.
I blame you for not being there when we needed.

I am so sorry.
I am still hurt.
I am not a child anymore,
but I am still aching from a painful childhood.

I blame you for making me understand
that some people may be by our sides,
but they may never be really here.


Inside the whitest house
You lived alone
I could see you through the glass
Shaking from the cold
And because I don’t like to feel sad
I never hunted you down
You were the loneliest one and
So am I
Maybe there will be a way
One day, to say goodbye
You were never really here
So neither am I.


that won’t disapear
full of fears
is what we don’t want
in a world to live
to see
what’s behind
the words and the sea
I’ll keep betting to discover
If I really am a part of this reality
or If I’m just existing
and trying
out here


Here I am
Lost, alone
Only with my words
You told me
You were with me
Always and forever
But it was a lie
You were never really here
And I was always alone
Now I understand that
To be with someone
Doesn’t mean you’re not alone
Because the people who have someone
Are usually the most alone
Even if we can’t see

Quando eu sugeri o prompt não pensei na gravidade que essa frase poderia significar. Durante a semana, quando tentava fazer algum texto, percebi que a ausência é parte importante nas nossas vidas. Os textos dos nossos colegas também estão carregados de uma gravidade que eu não poderia imaginar quando enviei o prompt.

Toda semana fazemos uma playlist com músicas relacionadas ao tema do prompt. Siga a gente no Spotify, também!

Você pode ouvir a playlist pelo Spotify, SoundsGood ou Youtube clicando no link. Clique na seta pra ver todas as faixas da playlist!

Para saber mais sobre nosso projeto é só clicar aqui. Lembrando que você também pode participar do nosso projeto, basta mandar um e-mail pra gente aqui.

Os textos produzidos foram corrigidos por nós mesmos, então nos perdoe por qualquer erro!

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Asterisk Project
Asterisk Project

Projeto Asterisk: um lugar para treinar o inglês & escrita criativa