Asterisk Week 63: Sobre Cores

Written on these walls are the colors that I can’t change

Viviane Souza
Asterisk Project
4 min readApr 25, 2019



Asterisk Project: Grupo de Escrita Criativa

O prompt da primeira semana de Abril, foi escolhido por mim. “Written on these walls are the colors that I can’t change", é um trecho da música Story of My Life, da One Direction.

Ficou curioso? Confira os textos logo abaixo:

Guilherme Aniceto

I painted the walls of my house, all in white, because I didn’t want it to be difficult to sell. People are more likely to buy a house that’s raw, or seemingly raw. The white color on the walls gives this idea.

Well, from time to time, I look at those walls and think of all the possibilities. The front door wall could have been painted in blue, the wall over my bed could have been painted in light green, the living room could have been painted in gray, and so on. A lot of could-have-been’s.

Not that I regret painting all in white. Or I do. I don’t know. All I know is that inside, I feel colorful. My house does not represent me. I resent that, for sure. On the walls of my heart, are the colors that I can’t change. On the walls of my house, well, a blank canvas is usually white, isn’t it? I guess I can do something about that.


It was a morning as usual. My wife Laura, son Henry and me, we were waiting for a delivery. For every Christmas we buy something new for all of us. This time we chose to get a new TV and Hi-Fi speakers for our room. We are big fans of movies so when we tried to decide between vacation to mountains or buying them we chose the latter.

5 minutes after we ate lunch, I got a call from a delivery man. Henry like always was joking and having fun with his friend Nick from a neighborhood. Few seconds later after talk with delivery company I heard a sound like a shot and my hearing was right. I looked through the window and saw blood all other the place especially walls. First I thought I was sleeping because we lived in here for 10 years and we didn‘t see any violence.

After waiting a minute I ran into backyard and I was shocked. My sons friend‘s father was lying on the ground and our wall was painted in his blood. What should I tell Nick? He already don‘t have a mother and now his only parent was shot. With all my saved up courage I came to my sons room and they both knew that something happened even if they didn‘t hear anything because of loud music but they never saw me like this, so they understood. As much as I wanted to make them more calm I think my face and words made this even worse. I tried to tell Nick what happened but all those words came so slowly and I said:
- Don‘t worry Nick, your father is dead.

This is how I tried him to calm him down and I‘ll never forget how he was reacting. He was so calm and even didn‘t cry. Nick knew something and I knew that he understood why it happened but I didn‘t ask at the moment. One wrong phrase was enough so I asked my wife to talk with him. She‘s really good with that stuff. All 3 her brothers died and she always knew how tell what happened for their spouses or parents without saying don‘t worry like me....

Nick‘s father, Rafael now was working as a manager at local supermarket but we all knew about his notorious past. He didn‘t lie to us when he just arrived and told the truth that he did 5 years in jail for aggravated assault and maybe because of his honest explanation we weren‘t afraid of him. Over time we became really good buddies. Rafael was most honest, friendly and helpful neighbor and friend, whom I ever had. We called each other a brother and we helped each other from fixing a car to babysiting kids.

Next morning then my family woke up, we came downstairs and first thing we saw it was Nick sitting and looking through the window into wall like a reminder what happened even if there wasn‘t any trace of blood left, but he and all of us still see the same bloody wall.

Ana Azevedo

My attempt at a haiku!

Birds resting on colourful walls

For the sun is warm and smooth

There’s nothing written on walls

—I don’t know much about haikus. For exemple: I considered There’s an only word. Do you know if that’s allowed?

Viviane Souza

Written on these walls

are the colors

that I can't change

All of my deepest dreams,

my projects

and plans

Everything are printed here

on these walls

And I can't change it,

but, even if I could,

I would never want to

Because all my life is here,

and when I look at these walls,

I remember who I am

and what I need to do.

Toda semana fazemos uma playlist com músicas relacionadas ao tema do prompt. Siga a gente no Spotify, também!

Você pode ouvir a playlist pelo Spotify, SoundsGood ou Youtube clicando no link. Clique na seta pra ver todas as faixas da playlist!

*Para saber mais sobre nosso projeto é só clicar aqui. Lembrando que você também pode participar do nosso projeto, basta mandar um e-mail pra gente aqui.


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