We’re On a Break: Be Back Soon

Asterisk Project
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2019

Season one is over and we’d like to thank a few people:

Collage by Ana Corneau, 2019

Santo Domingo, República Dominicana:

Attention! This is NOT the end. The Asterisk Project is taking a break, yes. Let’s call is the end of season one. We’ll be back. Better, wiser, older. Sometime in the future. We’ll tell you…

For now I’d like to thank everyone who has participated in writing, reading and organizing this little dream of mine. For over 60 weeks we were part of an amazing group with brilliant people and I cannot thank you all enough.

From the creator and editor chief of this little corner of the wide web: thank you and I’ll see you soon.

Ana Azevedo. July, 14–2019

Junior was the first person who agreed to participated in this project. Here’s what he has to say about season one:

When we first started, it as a trial situation just to help us to write better andmake some connections. During that time we were able to create our self path to write and describe our self crucial points. We hope that all of you have had the most amazing experiencie. Thanks to each one of you for every single word.

And here’s Viviane Souza, editor of the Asterisk Project and great friend:

Foi uma honra participar desse projeto desde o início… O Asterisk me ajudou muito, me fez perder o medo de escrever e de usar meu inglês pra isso. Fiz amizades, tive experiências diferentes e isso eu vou levar pra sempre comigo.

Obrigada Ana, por me convidar a participar de um projeto que nasceu com você. Obrigada Asterisk, um projeto maravilhoso, que fez parte da minha vida por quase dois anos! Sinto um carinho enorme por esse cantinho aqui…

Vejo vocês por aí!

You can still read all of our compositions here. On instagram we’ll still post eventual news. Keep Writing!

Ana Azevedo — 2019

These are original contents, please do not reproduce without permission.

We correct our own compositions. If you notice any mistakes, please excuse us! We are learning too.



Asterisk Project

Formada em Relações Internacionais pela UFRRJ - Criadora do Asterisk Project.