Asthma Journey Tech Stack
Partly boring tech stack that powers my SaaS project. I built this MVP in less than 1 month with $0 monthly cost
This article is inspired by The Tech Stack of a One-Man SaaS by Anthony Simon of Panelbear.
In December 2021, I launched Asthma Journey, an app for people with asthma to record and analyze their asthma symptoms so that they can get better diagnoses and treatments. Two months later, I still paid nothing to keep this app running, except for its domain name. Yes, $0!
Nothing’s fancy here. No WebSocket, no Kafka, no Kubernetes, no Terraform, no Clickhouse, not even background job (yet).
TLDR; I’m using partly boring technologies here: Django + Django REST Framework, NextJS, Chakra UI, Cockroach DB Serverless, and PaaS.
Why partly boring technologies
The intention of this app is to build a real for-profit app that serves the users and eventually brings in money. That’s my focus. I don’t want to spend extra hours figuring out new technologies and scratching my head when hitting problems. That’s true for my exploratory projects, but not for this case.
I’m using the technologies that I know best, the ones I’ve been using for many years and…