Game Starter Kit: Into the Wasteland

Ashley Warren
Astral TableTop
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2019

Greetings, Astralnauts! We bring you a new missive from the Astral Plane. Half of the globe is currently experiencing a three-month-long heatwave known as “summer.” So, it’s the perfect time to hunker down in a cool, air conditioned geek den and develop an expansive desert wasteland campaign!

Here’s everything you need to get started:

Cartographers Guild — Modern Majesty

First, you’ll need to establish your wasteland. This asset pack offers several continental shapes that you can use as the basis of your setting.

Apocalypse Starter Kit

Every wasteland needs a good enemy. Toss some wasteland creatures at your players with this Apocalypse Starter Kit, complete with raiders, mutants, and more — maybe even some allies with whom they can build a base.

Vile Tiles: Desert Mapper

Tumbleweeds rolling over rocks and skeletons, a dry wind stirring the dunes… how picturesque! Build a desert filled with rocks, spindly plants, and more.

Great Outdoors Desert Lands

Create a wasteland obstacle course complete with dunes, trails, and the rare water source. What ruins may your characters uncover in the vast expanse?

Do you have an awesome map that you want to show off? Share it with the community by using #MyAstralGame, or join our Discord channel and post it in our #show-off-room.



Ashley Warren
Astral TableTop

Founder of and Passionate about immersive storytelling and innovative learning.