ASTRATUM Event at the TOA17, Berlin: “Making Sense of the Cryptoeconomy.“ Jul’17

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7 min readJul 18, 2017

ASTRATUM@TOA 2017 Event 1: Making Sense of the Cryptoeconomy

Note: BTC-Echo as leading German Cryptomagazine covered our event in German here. And for the Korean ethereum and crypto community, we published the post below in Korean here.

The combination of cryptography and decentralized systems first seen in Bitcoin introduced both new economic and social concepts to the world. Ethereum and other open source protocols take it even further. Blockchain, smart contracts, DAO’s, tokens and ICO’s made a lot of buzz lately. What’s really going on and what to expect in the near future?

Last year ASTRATUM invited you to our DAO workshop (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). This year, we invited you to our Blockchain Garage for two TOA17 (Tech Open Air) satellite events about the cryptoeconomy.

The interest for our events has by far exceeded our expectations. On day 1 “Making sense of the Cryptoeconomy”, we had nearly 200 attendees and over 200 blockchain enthusiasts on the waiting list. Wow. On day 2 “Blockchain & Angels”, we had 130 attendees (with 60 on the waiting list), joining for the presentation of four awesome blockchain projects: DENT, which has currently its ICO, while bitnation, Neufund, Resonate and Starbase just preparing one. We also like to mention that one of our panelists, Elfriede Sixt, is founder of LitigationCoin, which has its an ICO on July, 18th, 2017 (as of today).


On day 1, we had Florian Glatz, presenting the recently founded Blockchain Association Germany as its president.

Our first expert panel, an all #womenintech panel, discussed the state of the Cryptoeconomy and where it is heading to. Naturally, ICO’s (Initial Coin Offering, aka token sales) were discussed from a regulatory and legal view.

The second expert panel consisted of blockchain experts, building blockchains or decentralized business on the blockchain, discussing the future of decentralized systems and how to deal with the uncertainty of technology and regulation.

Below some impressions of the events. In order to follow the discussion, your participation is of course recommended.

Agenda of day 1 (projected on the left).

The agenda of day 1:

Introduction Blockchain Association Germany

· Florian Glatz, President Blockchain Association Germany,

Panel 1: Regulation and Framework:

· Nina Siedler, Partner

· Elfriede Sixt, CPA, Founder

· Toni Lane, Co-Founder, cointelegraph

· Ola Orchowska, Product designer,

Panel 2: Building Solutions and Companies with Blockchain:

· Max Kordek, Founder,

· Henning Diedrich, System Architect, Bestseller author ethereum,

· Peter Harris, Founder

· Remco Bloemen,

Florian Glatz, President Blockchain Association Germany.
Panel 1: #womeninblockchain. Oh wait: Regulation and Eco-system.

Panel 1, from left to right: moderator Sven Laepple (founder ASTRATUM), Nina Siedler (Partner at, Elfriede Sixt (CPA, founder, Ola Orchowska (Product designer,, Toni Lane (Co-founder, Cointelegraph).

Panel 2: #menintech. Oh no, wait: Building blockchain solutions and companies.

Panel 2, from left to right: Peter Harris (founder, Max Kordek (founder,, Henning Dietrich (author Ethereum, system architect), Remco Bloemen (

Full house: A total of 160 attendees with more than 140 blockchain enthusiasts on the waiting list.

ASTRATUM official merchandise, launched at ASTRATUM@TOA17

ASTRATUM@TOA 2017 Event 2: Blockchain & Angels

ASTRATUM @ TOA17. Day 2: Blockchain & Angels

Blockchain and other decentralized technologies are considered to be the new foundational layer for digital systems for the next decades by leading institutions like the MIT or Harvard. While it’s really all about decentralization and not a specific system or protocol, this space inspires a new generation of innovative founders to develop new products and services. Some of these projects may in many cases be disruptive and have thus lately received a lot of attention from investors.

Like last year, we had in 2017 awesome founders presenting their blockchain projects to angels, investors and innovators.

Agenda day 2

This year once again some awesome teams presented their blockchain projects:

- NEUFUND ‘s tech & legal platform enables the creation and operation of a new kind of VC fund. Neufund will enable investors to access a diverse deal flow while keeping their investments fully liquid.

- STARBASE is developing a token funding and payment platform. By using Starbase, innovators can issue tokens and sell these to raise funds on a global scale. These tokens can later be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges around the world. Starbase provides legal and tax support.

- BITNATION is the World’s First Virtual Nation — A Blockchain Jurisdiction. Nation State Governments have failed to keep up with the technologies that are transforming our lives. The Internet has radically interconnected our world and Blockchain technology allows us to choose to govern ourselves for the way we want to live now: peer-to-peer, more locally and globally.

- DENT, a token-based solution for mobile roaming. A new token, which will allow you to roam for little in foreign markets with your mobile and make big savings. Dent want users to own their mobile data and bandwidth. They need to be able to freely sell or donate unused data to other users world-wide.

- Project VAAGNAR, an own ASTRATUM project, decentralized UTM for autonomous drone management, decentralized with blockchain and smart contracts. Announcements follow soon.

ASTRATUM Garage @ IKONIC studio. Berlin, Germany
Day 2: 110 attendees listening to founders, presenting their blockchain projects
Full house again

Nina Siedler (Partner at, Insights from German Blockchain Association,

Marcin Rudolf, CTO at

Luis Ernane and Gustavo Guimaraes presenting Starbase

Toni Lane, Founder of Bitnation, cointelegraph

Mikko Linnamäki, Co-founder DENT Wireless

Project VAAGNAR: Fleet Operator Dashboard

Project VAAGNAR: a distributed UTM for autonomous drone management, powered by blockchain and smart contracts.


A small thank you for the speakers: each speaker received one of our designer black-on-black t-shirts and sweaters.

IKONIC.bikes — Home of customized, retro-fitted bikes.
After show party, ehr, networking

The crowd had time to network after both events — with a nice catering, various veggie quiches, cider and fresh beers — to the sound of Berlin electronic music.

ASTRATUM is proud to have brought together in Berlin some international and Berlin-based blockchain experts. Both events were interesting and fun. The interest for our events has by far exceeded our expectations. Thus we are looking forward to the coming event in October 17 and next year’s TOA.

Just drop us an email at, if you’re interested to present your blockchain project at our next event. Or just follow us on Twitter Astratum.

Thanks everyone for joining and see you latest at our upcoming blockchain events!



ASTRATUM is a blockchain venture studio, developing blockchain strategies, solutions and ventures. For example, we developed a next generation mobility solution with blockchain, smart contracts and IoT devices for a global leader in the automotive space, detailed a blockchain strategy for one of the world’s largest business network operators, assisted a leading European venture capitalist with his large investment in the leading decentralized crypto exchange and introduced with our dine&talk events cryptocurrencies and blockchain to many executives from leading German financial services. Further, we are also involved in the tokenization of assets, ranging from the token design, whitepapers, due dilligences, audits, token sales, advise on the right structures, technical implementation, cryptotrading strategies and additional services around the monetization and tokenization of digital and physical assets. Our international team rely on experts with outstanding professional experience and the necessary skillset to address the interdisciplinary challenges, coming with the cryptoeconomy. We believe that blockchain is a powerful backend play, and that a blue ocean strategy is the best approach to develop meaningful innovation.

Besides corporate innovation in e.g. mobility, fintech 2.0 and real estate, we develop together with partners our own ventures. One of them, project Vaagnar, is a distributed Unmanned Aerial Traffic Management system. It is based on the research done by our founder around blockchain and drones and marketplaces for the Internet of Autonomous Things. Another one is in real estate, addressing the global nomadic lifestyle and the desire for authentic moments in life. For our ventures, we are supported by investors and team up with exceptional individuals or teams.

We are proud to be founding member of the Blockchain Association Germany (Bundesverband Blockchain).




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