Announcing Astrid

The deep work environment on macOS

Ashkan Safaee
Astrid blog
2 min readMar 12, 2021


Context-switching is killing productivity.

In 2021, the average person still spends 5 hours per day on their desktop. You will switch tabs up to 373 times during those five hours and lose up to 2 hours per workday to context-switching. Costing US businesses $588 billion a year alone.

Fear is not the mind-killer, context-switching is the mind-killer. — Elon Musk

While we see novel and innovative attempts to solve the retrieval of information within apps quickly, we are yet to see a new way of working that provides context-switching at speed — while safeguarding that precious state of flow. Here’s where Astrid comes in.

Astrid eliminates tab chaos by turning any desktop into a workspace.

We believe in a new way of working that is surprisingly simple and straightforward yet has little technology to support adoption on a large scale:

  • A workspace for everything you do — segment work based on your focus, project, or role.
  • All your apps, docs, tabs, and files in one place — organize your tools and work items exactly where they belong.
  • Switch focus, stay on track — switch workspace instantly and continue working right where you left off.

The idea of a “space” or “workspace” is nothing new. Most web apps and tools have ways of remembering context within them, yet very little work has been done on the OS level to support how complex work has become, with many more tools and apps needed to complete our job. And as desktop users, we all have to pay the price for this every day.

Our team got tired of how scattered work has become frantically jumping between tabs with outdated interfaces getting in the way of meaningful output. Astrid eliminates context-switching by organizing work, so you can stay focused and stay in flow

So far, we’ve managed 100+ releases since last summer, and more than 700 users waitlisted from 10 countries — and have much more in store for 2021! If you’re interested in joining and shaping Astrid’s direction, sign up here or follow us on Twitter.

