Boeing is Committed to Mars

New video highlights planned missions

Zachariah Moreno
Astro Addix
2 min readSep 24, 2016


In the days leading up to SpaceX’s unveiling of their architecture to send humans on a roundtrip missions to Mars, Boeing took advantage of this chance to insert their plans into the space race as well. The aerospace titan announced their mission architecture to also make the turnaround trip to Mars… and it’s pretty sweet.

Space travel is all about proving that the path forward poses as little risk as possible, which is how Boeing’s vision parallels that of NASA (and probably SpaceX, too). The sum of these approaches goes a little something like this:

  • Continue to “learn about long duration human spaceflight” on the International Space Station
  • Perfecting “exploration of the Lunar surface and scientific and technological research”
  • Establish permanent human homes in orbit around and on the surface of Mars

NASA’s Deputy Administrator, the amazing Dava Newman, often refers to the IIS & our Moon as the “proving ground” for the tech that will deliver humans safely to the red plant and back. This approach will give contemporary generations their own modern Apollo missions to follow as a side effect of the larger goal: boots on Mars.

Will NASA, SpaceX, and Boeing launch Mars missions from Earth or the Moon? Will it be the United States government or a company that delivers humans to Mars first? We can’t yet say, but what’s important is that Humans are going to Mars. We have committed to achieving permanent homes on the Moon and on Mars in our lifetime and that is fucking radical if you ask me. Welcome to the party, Boeing.

If you’re as stoked as we are about the Human commitment of establishing homes on the Moon and Mars, then tap the heart below and follow Astro Addix to get #MoreSpace.



Zachariah Moreno
Astro Addix

Latino startup founder // Co-founder CEO & CTO at // Podcaster // Author // Developer // Designer