Teachers Get More Comfortable With Teaching Space

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2 min readJul 4, 2018

Starting on 25 June, Scientix hosted a five-day event for teachers who give classes in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). On the third day, the 13th Scientix Projects’ Networking Event brought project managers and teachers together. Mahbobah Ahmadi presented multiple projects of the Astronomy & Society Group of Leiden University such as UNAWE and astroEDU. Moreover, Han Tran of astroEDU gave a workshop for the teachers.

Ahmadi inspired the teachers to use astronomy in their classes to introduce their students with STEM subjects. Thereafter, she presented shortly various possibilities to do so, such as through astroEDU’s peer-reviewed activities and the Universe in a Box. After the presentation session everyone got together to discuss the challenges in using STEM in primary education. Recommendations to improve STEM education throughout Europe were formulated. The results of the discussion will be published in a Scientix Observatory article co-authored by all participants.

Teachers presenting their activities to each other during the astroEDU workshop.

On the fourth day of the event, Han Tran of astroEDU gave a workshop on how to use astronomy in the classroom. The teachers got the opportunity to develop their own astronomy activities. After defining the learning goals and objectives, they received materials from the Universe in a Box educational kit. Using these materials, they developed new inquiry-based activities for their classroom.

Why teaching Space? One of the discussed topics in the astroEDU workshop.

Then the teachers presented their activities to each other. Various interesting and educative activities were designed. For instance, one group developed an interactive activity in which students representing the Sun, the Earth and the Moon would move around each other to show the movement of these astronomical bodies. To conclude the workshop Tran gave some extra information on astroEDU and encouraged the teachers to upload the activities they just developed or other activities on the astroEDU website to get their activities peer-reviewed.




Peer-reviewed Open-access Astronomy Education Activities Platform http://iau.org/astroedu