Astrology As A Sensemaking Tool

The sovereignty of an astrological worldview

Daljeet Peterson


Making Sense in a World of Chaos

“Sensemaking” has become a bit of a buzzword lately. And for good reason. In an era when a sitting American president made over 20,000 false or misleading claims while tweeting from the Oval Office; where “fake news” and conspiracy theories abound; where a deadly global pandemic is dismissed by many as a hoax; where the economy is tanking but the stock market is at record highs — it’s no wonder that many of us are struggling to make sense of a world that seems to be turned upside down. We are no longer able to trust our traditional institutions to tell us the truth without spin, or political bias, or market-driven persuasion techniques or just out-right propaganda. Social media — which just a decade ago held the promise of some new frontier in civic discourse — has quickly devolved into a battleground of memetic warfare and red vs. blue tribalism — and it’s getting pretty ugly.

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, many of us have begun to seek out alternative sources of information in an attempt to navigate our increasingly polluted information ecology. We are looking to find some clean signal amidst a sea of toxic noise. And to that end, a veritable cottage industry has sprung up around the topic of…



Daljeet Peterson

Astrology Apostle | Yoga Disciple | Media Craftsman @DaljeetPeterson