0–100 in the Digital Marketing Track. Why & How We Get There

Raunak Datt
3 min readAug 22, 2017


A common obstacle for entrepreneurs and corporate professionals is learning tangible skillsets on the go or keeping up with the evolution of the skillset. This disadvantage coupled with the necessity to operate at the maximum capacity can create frequent opportunities for critical errors.

AstroLabs Academy was formed to address this challenge. Many enabled founders or professionals were restricted from lack of talent or knowledge in areas like Digital Marketing, Web Development and Analytics that were subsequently hurting the growth of their business. Through action based blended learning, flexible hours, industry certifications and instructors that are full-time operators; we merit our programs as courses built by practitioners for practitioners.

Organic Social Media Instructed by Mike Al Naji

The Digital Marketing Track is our most successfull program in terms of demand and number of learners that completed the course. We had recently completed our 6th Digital Marketing Track, with a full house of 24. Ranging from Entrepreneurs & Marketing Executives to Chief Marketing Officers across industries, this track had a diverse and highly driven class of learners who blew us away in terms of drive to learn.

SEO Optimisation Instructed by Naguib Toihiri

From mastering analytics to developing an email marketing strategy for customer retention, learners deep dive in to commonly used marketing channels from strategy to execution. Curious to learn more? Here are some actual tips from our instructors during the track.

Digital Marketing Is Marketing And Marketing Is All For Nothing If You Do Not Know Your Customers Intimately.

A great and well forgotten insight mentioned by our lead instructor, Ahmad on Day 1. It can be easy to move on from where the foundation of great marketing strategy comes from, and losing touch with your customers is a sure shot way of not seeing the return you expect from execution.

Define Metrics & Conversions And Measure Their Value For Your Business.

Digital Marketing is a growth based game and seeing growth in a business is an indicator that you’re on to something. By establishing a clear metric that acts as a KPI (Key Performance Indicator), you allow 1 person handling growth or a team handling mutiple layers to follow one north star more than anything else. A good metric for this is CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) which is how much are you spending to acquire 1 customer.

Track All Of Your Outreach.

Ask any Marketing executive why Digital is now their main area of focus and they will more than likely say this, “I can now track every penny of our Marketing budget”. Great (and free!) tools like Google Analytics allow single users all the way to major corporations to track data across the board and more importantly learn insights. Which leads me to my next and final point.

Scale If It Works. Shift It Doesn’t.

The true success factor is this. The ability to measure, track and learn allows agile startups and big businesses to double down on what customers are wanting more of and shift efforts on channels or initiatives that are not bringing in the desired results. There lies true growth.

Like any skillset, getting good at Digital Marketing takes consistent and deliberate effort. While most learning comes from doing; mastering tools & developing a solid foundation is crucial for building momentum in the right direction.

We Have An Upcoming Digital Marketing Track and Web Development Track in Dubai! Click On This Line To Learn More Or Get In Touch If You Have Questions.



Raunak Datt

If you’re interested in travel, culture, purpose or making things; We can hang out. I build products that teach you something and coach doers with big goals.