Future of Content Marketing

Hussein M. Dajani
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2017

I was honored to be the thought-leader at Simply Digital’s first event at AstroLabs talking about The Future of Content Marketing. The following is a round-up of the evening;

What does a recruitment agency have to do with an event about Content Marketing? The answer is simple. That recruitment agency is specialised in the Marketing space, and more specifically, in the Digital one. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly what Content Marketing is all about. The brand’s offering matches with the audience’s needs.

Technology innovation has enabled incredible changes in the human behavior. If we look back just 20 years, we recall huge changes that disrupted the status quo:

  • In the mid 90’s, access to the internet changed the way people sought and consumed information (and marketers had to grapple with a whole new way of marketing online)
  • In the early 2000’s, online social networks allowed millions of people to connect with each other (and marketers had to develop playbooks to best engage with the prospects and customers)
  • In the late 2000’s, smartphones gave the public instant access to everything the internet offered, no matter where they are (and marketers had to ensure their content strategies were mobile-friendly)

Today, we’re in the beginning of another period of major change — where a number of innovations and shifts (to AI, bot platforms, voice based search, and further proliferation of video content, coupled with mobile-first consumers coming of age) will have a big impact on how marketers, and businesses in general, get things done.

The key take outs, I would like anyone working in the marketing industry to consider, are:

  • Understand your audience: Know are they? Where are they? What do they need?
  • Deliver content through honest, truthful, and great stories,
  • Take less about yourself and more about your audience,
  • Make sure your content isn’t interrupting what your audience is doing, but rather part of what they are doing,
  • Ensure that your content is consumer centric and ongoing, rather a one off spin,
  • Make your content visual and edutaining,
  • Focus on storytelling via videos, in all its forms.

For those interested, the presentation is available on my slideshare page: Hussein Dajani’s Slideshare.

To watch the live event, click on the Simply Digital YouTube clip



Hussein M. Dajani

Public Speaker. Digital Transformer. Storydoer. GM Digital and Customer Experience - Nissan Motor Co.