Startup, Business, Life inequalities

Louis Lebbos
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2019

I posted the first section of these on LinkedIn a few weeks ago, thinking about recording it on medium and adding to it in the future.

Surveys ≠ Validation
Funding ≠ Success
Talking ≠ Doing
Press Releases ≠ Genuine Progress
Sponsored content ≠ Interest
“Polite” (manners) ≠ Real respect
10-day silent meditation ≠ Enlightened
Reading a lot ≠ Learn anything
Always connected ≠ Know anything
Alerts ≠ Importance
1000s of “friends” ≠ counting on anyone
Documents ≠ IP
Trust fund baby ≠ automatic entrepreneur
VC/angel business card ≠ $ to invest
$ to invest ≠ you should take it
Advice ≠ revelation
Sponsoring Competitions ≠ Innovation
Flat screens ≠ R&D Accelerator ≠ Magic growth dust
20 board memberships ≠ Value to any but themselves



Louis Lebbos

Love Science, Tech & Traveling. Support doers. Work with tech startups mostly as part of AstroLabs ( Experimenting with writing more on Medium