Bride with matron of honor

Astrological Insights on Love

Excerpt from How Astrology can predict Love and Marriage

Jan Rose
Astrology Forecast Insights
4 min readNov 14, 2013


Astrological Codes for Love and Marriage

When is the best time to start a love relationship?

An Astrologer or an amateur with the aid of an ephemeris, measures the angular distance between the luminaries and planets, the Sun and Mars for men and the Moon and Venus for a woman, in degrees and minutes of longitude from the birth date of the partners. The Moon in astrological terms represents a woman or wife, so as well as the position of Venus, usually these are the most important placement in a man's chart with regard to finding a woman to form a long lasting love relationship and partnership. The positions of the Sun which represents the man or husband in a female chart as well as Mars and their aspects are important in determining factors in a woman's chart to discover whether she has found a partner to form a long lasting love relationship and partnership. Astrologers know from their study the aspects of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars are the major planets in the horoscope which influence love and marriage. The Sun in my astrological chart at the time of my birth was 26 degrees in the sign of Taurus and Mars in Leo was 29 degrees, so the angular distance between these two heavenly bodies is 93 degrees, the distance measured in the astrological circle starting from the Sun sign to the position of Mars. In my case these two are in fixed signs and the square aspect (90 degrees apart within an orb of 5 degrees) so I have a challenging aspect with a male lover and partnership and do not change my mind easily. To offset this aspect I would look to easy aspects such as trines (120 degrees apart) and sextiles (60 degrees apart) formed by other planets to the Sun and Mars as well as to the sign on the cusp of the fifth house of love, and seventh house of marriage / partnerships and the planets situated in these houses. In addition to this, if I then want to find out if there is the likelihood of a love relationship / partnership leading to the lawful union of marriage, the planets if any, in either the sign or the planet which is the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the ninth house, will determine this. At particular times in our lives the transits and progressions in our horoscope form beneficial aspects with our birth chart and these are the dates to look for relationships to forecast love and marriage / partnerships. This comparison of not only our own individual chart but also of our potential lover or partner may be studied with the aid of a free astrological chart drawn at the current date to determine any transits or a future time to predict by way of progressions (Usually one degree for a year) our chances of starting a long term relationship with a chosen partner.

The Sun moves into a new sign of the Zodiac each month and the Mars transits are of a slightly longer duration with this planet's stay in each sign for about 37 to 39 days. However, there are variations throughout the life sometimes the planets (but not the Sun or Moon) are in retrograde (backward motion) and so their movement around the orbit is not consistent.

The Moon moves into a new sign every two days and the Venus transits are of a slightly longer duration than this. Usually Venus stays in each zodiac sign for about 30 days and once again there are variations to the planets that go retrograde.

What the Horoscope Reveals about the time to marry.

In order for this to be revealed the following factors must be taken into consideration when comparing the birth charts of the couple:

The compatible Sun signs (but all the planets in an individual horoscope placements also need to be considered) are Aries with Leo and Sagittarius, Taurus with Virgo and Capricorn, Gemini with Libra and Aquarius; Cancer with Scorpio and Pisces. An attraction usually occurs but with a more challenging relationship for the couple, with the Sun's opposite sign, Aries to Libra, Taurus to Scorpio, Gemini to Sagittarius, Cancer to Capricorn, Aquarius to Leo, Virgo to Pisces.

If the birth time is known for both partners then this offers a more in depth study for the purposes of synastry (comparison of both lover's horoscopes). This is because in most horoscopes the degree and the sign on the cusp usually is different to their Sun sign and in another zodiac sign, as in my case, the Sun is in Taurus and Ascendant (time of birth) is Scorpio. Case studies of horoscopes where the birth times are known of the couple can give an insight into their compatibility and forecast a likely outcome of their union, and also cases where only the Sun signs of both are known are studied.

Included in the book is an addition which is a study on relationships that may have a past life connection and astrological aspects which may identify a soul mate connection.

The kindle book will be available in January 2015 on Amazon and Smashwords.



Jan Rose
Astrology Forecast Insights

I have a Bachelor of Business degree and a Master of IT. I am a writer. Author of My Jasmime Rose and Angelina Grey and the Journey through Time and Space