Horoscope Case Study 3 : Person trapped in Debt

Abhisek Samanta
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2020

In today’s materialistic world and to be more specific in this Kali Yuga, wealth has a lot of weight-age and importance. The focus on wealth is so overwhelming that the race is for the greed of wealth and not on the need of wealth.

Having said this, it is not surprising to state that people nowadays have resorted to debts to finance this greed. If this would have been a temporary phenomenon, things would have been pardonable but the sad reality is that some people live and die in debts just to chase this mirage of greed.

However, there are folks around us whom you must have seen that they spend their entire life without borrowing even a single penny from others but still they achieve major financial goals in their entire lifetime.

Here comes the concepts of Dhan yog (धन योग) and Rinn Yog (ऋण योग) regarding which our Maharshis had spelt out in Vedic Astrology and it is based on these Yogas in the horoscopes that either people lead a debt free life while others live and die in debt.

In this article we will discuss with a case study regarding Rinn Yog (ऋण योग) in horoscope which causes a person to perennially live and die in debt despite having a decent income.

Rinn Yog (ऋण योग) happens in a horoscope when the following conditions are satisfied,

(a) When the Lord of 2nd house is in 6th house. Why ? The answer is that 2nd house is the house of financial savings while 6th house is the house of debts.

(b) When the lord of 11th house is in 6th house. Why ? The answer is that the 11th house is the house of financial income while the 6th house is the house of debt.

( c)When the Lord of either the 2nd house or the lord of 11th house is together with the lord of 6th house in the ‘Trik Sthan’ i.e. in 6th house or 8th house or the 12th house.

(d) When the Hora Lagna is posited in 6th house, 8th house, 12th house in the Birth Chart.

(e) When the Hora lagna is associated or aspected by malefic planets in the Birth chart.

Let us consider the following Horoscope. This horoscope has been generated taking into consideration the Date of Birth, Time of Birth and the Place of Birth of the native. This native has graduated in engineering from a premier institute in India and works as a highly paid executive in an MNC. Despite all these he always remains in debt.

[Birth Chart]
  • In the Birth Chart, the Hora Lagna (denoted by HL) is in ‘Trik Sthan’ i.e. 6th house (the house of debt) because of which the native remains in debt.
  • Also,the Lord of Hora Lagna is Moon and Moon is in the Hora of Sun. Neither Sun nor Moon aspect each other.
  • The Hora Lagna is placed in Pisces rashi whose Lord is Jupiter and Jupiter is debilitated in Natal Chart (because it is present in Capricorn rashi).

All the above mentioned conditions causes this individual to suffer from debt throughout his life. Appropriate astrological remedies were suggested to the native and he was able to gradually recover from the debt trap.

Originally published at https://abhiseksamanta.blogspot.com.



Abhisek Samanta

A Diploma in Astrology from Maharshi College of Vedic Astrology, Udaipur & an avid traveler of heritage/religious sites. For consultation mobile no. -8895785523