Second Marriage in Astrology

Abhisek Samanta
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2021

We have seen in our society that there are many people around us who have had more than one marriage in their lifetime. However, under the law of the land , 2nd marriage can only happen if divorce has been approved by the court for the first marriage. In Vedic Astrology there are many planetary combinations which gives second marriage.

The following are major conditions as per Vedic Astrology which gives rise to a second marriage:-

(a) The Lagnesh in 8th house , 2nd house conjoined/aspected with malefics and the 7th house having/aspected by malefics. OR

(b) Malefics present in or aspecting the 2nd house or the 7th house and the 7th Lord being weak/conjoined with a malefic or the 12th lord being weak causes 2nd marriage in Astrology. OR

(c ) Mars present in 7th house and receiving 100% aspect of Saturn causes 2nd marriage. OR

(d) Paap-Kartari Yoga in 7th house (The yoga in which malefics flank a house from the 2nd and the 12th house from itself) causes 2nd marriage. In the Navamsha Kundali of one of my client below we have Paap-kartari Yoga. Malefics Rahu and Saturn flank the 7th house where Moon and Saturn are present (highlighted in yellow).

(e) Mangalik Yoga is also responsible for 2nd marriage. The following article details Mangalik dosha in horoscope.

(f) Malefics in the 2nd or 7th, devoid of benefic aspects and with the condition that the 2nd Lord or the 7th Lord if aspected by malefics gives more than one marriage.

(g) Debilitated Venus is also one of the reasons of more than one marriage.

The following is the horoscope ( Lagna kundali and Navamsha Kundali) of the famous actress named Elizabeth Taylor who had more than one marriage. The details are as follows,

Date of Birth: Saturday, February 27, 1932

Time of Birth: 02:30:58 AM

Place of Birth: London

In the Lagna Kundali, the 7th Lord is associated with a malefic i.e. Rahu. The 7th Lord is also aspected by Saturn from 3rd house, malefic Ketu from 11th house and debilitated Jupiter from 9th house. The 2nd Lord Jupiter is also debilitated. She is also Manglik as er the Lagna Kundali.

In the Navamsha Kundali, the lord of 3rd and 12th house Jupiter is debilitated in lagna and aspects 7th house. The 2nd house Lord Rahu is in 8th house and has a malefic aspect on 7th Lord Moon placed in 4th house. Moreover, the 7th Lord moon is bereft of strength also as per Shadbal.

All these conditions caused more than one marriage in her lifetime.

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Abhisek Samanta

A Diploma in Astrology from Maharshi College of Vedic Astrology, Udaipur & an avid traveler of heritage/religious sites. For consultation mobile no. -8895785523