AstroReport: Sagittarius Full Moon

Bernadette Judaea
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2024

The Sagittarius New Moon occurs on September 23 at about 3° of the sign.

The Sun opposes the Moon and is located in the sign of Gemini during this transit. The ruler of the full Moon is Jupiter because Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is currently at 29° of Taurus, which just so happens to be at the same degree where Venus (the ruler of Taurus) is located as well.

You might remember this is called a conjunction: when two or more planets are in the same place. You may also remember that the 29th degree is special because it is the final degree of any sign when using the whole sign house system. The planets are said to be at the anoretic degree.

There are some details I would like to share with you about this combination of planets and rulerships but for context I think its also important to mention that Jupiter and Venus are known as the benefic planets. They bring good fortune and harmony. They both appear as big brights stars and overall are seen as a happy go-lucky-vibe.

Jupiter can also be a mentor, a teacher, or a leader especially in terms of education or philosophical endeavors. Jupiter is also Zeus, the king of the gods that presides over the sky, a figure of leadership, power, and law. Venus represent love but also sisters and other women. Venus is known as Aphrodite and is therefore associated with beauty and aesthetics. With Taurus as the yin earth domicile of Venus, the ruler of this full moon (Jupiter) is being hosted by the goddess in her domain (Venus in Taurus). This all is happening just before Jupiter moves into his detriment in the sign of Gemini.I know it may not sound like great things are on the horizon after reading that last statement, but without getting to far beyond the Sagittarius New Moon in the astrology, I would like to add that Jupiter in detriment is still awesome, because that’s how benefic the planet is.

Now, back to current transits, Venus and Jupiter will also be sextiling Neptune in Pisces, which will also be at the 29th degree. Sextiles are of the nature of Venus so all the ways I described Venus above can be said about an opportunity that connects the Taurus and Pisces houses in a chart. This is too good to be true energy, like fairy tales and impossibilities. It really can be this exciting. It could certainly also mean being intoxicated to the point of experiencing illusions, so… go slow on the bubbly.

Remember to keep in mind that with any full moon, we are pruning away the parts of our lives that no longer feel right. This might be the time for processing big emotions around themes like personal freedom and being constricted. I hear the song “I Want to Break Free” by Queen playing in my mind. In fact it’s perfect because breaking free in the name of love is not far from the feeling we might be having around this time. I want to be free to express myself, to move towards what feels good in my body, to experience joy and pleasure. We will likely be feeling a bit more energetic on this day as Sagittarius is a fire sign and is known for being jovial and grandiose.

Venus and Jupiter move into a conjunction with each other every year, but it isn’t always at the same time that Jupiter rules the full moon. That is significant and really points to the big let go that is needed before the expansion occurs. Last year the pair came together on March 1st in the sign of Aries. You can think back to that day or look in your journal and see what you may have started up during that time because Aries is potent initiatory energy. Or you can look in your albums of photos and videos to see what you were up to and see how some of those themes could be coming back around.

Overall, this looks like an auspicious full moon, especially if we are releasing ideologies that hold us down. We should feel free to explore after this transit and with all of the planets moving into Gemini next, it feels like the perfect breakaway for things to get really interesting.




Published in AstroLounge

As I continue my endeavor of learning the language of astrology, I give you: my notes

Bernadette Judaea
Bernadette Judaea

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