Epic Shift into Gemini Season
This week, we are looking at the shift from Earth to Air in honor of Gemini Season.
But this is no ordinary Gemini season because we don’t just have the Sun shifting signs, we also have both benefic planets (Venus and Jupiter) following the Sun, and soon Mercury will join the party as the host. More on that next week- for now, let’s get back to this elemental shift that happens before Mercury gets home and especially focus on the reset of Venus that occurs on the 4th of June.
Its important to mention that the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus have all moved from Taurus, which is the yin Earth domicile of Venus. The planets have left the home sign of Venus. When we think about a planet in its home sign, it is helpful to imagine the difference one feels when at home versus when one is away. When we are at home, we know where things go and we are able to find what we need when we need it without having to ask for permission.
Venus is especially good at relating through elegant comfort, such as gourmet food and plush furniture with soft blankets. She has an eye for beauty and the aesthetics and in the sign of Taurus, she exudes a sense of dependability and patience. Themes of Taurus also include: material possessions, finances, sensuality as it relates to the arts and pleasure. Venus is practical here and brings a sense of stability. She has a deep appreciation for the simplicity of nature, is financially savvy, and above all else she is loyal. Now there were also some disruptions to these themes because of the house guests she was entertaining during Taurus season, but even despite the Jupiter Uranus conjunction, Venus in Taurus was able to keep the party going with elegant and luxurious decor, indulgent fine wines, along with ambient lighting and warm hospitality. She probably outdid herself and spent way over her budget, but it was all for the sake of genuine connections and intimate conversations.
As we step into Gemini Season, the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus bid farewell to the lavish yet welcoming abode of Venus and transition into the domain of Mercury. However, Mercury hasn’t returned home yet. The buzzy bee is currently out collecting interactive party favors such as photo booth props, quirky decorations of eclectic colors and patterns, and a variety of options for a DIY cocktail/mocktail station. He’s given the Sun the green light to kick off the festivities, but nobody is sure where anything is because Mercury has a controlled chaos system at his place. Despite the host’s delayed arrival, the early guests create a warm and sociable atmosphere, mingling with one another — it’s the benefics with the Sun, after all. The trio eagerly await Mercury’s arrival, brimming with enthusiasm while also embracing the spontaneity that’s bound to unfold once he shows up.
So with that we have an idea of the difference between a party thrown in the sign of Taurus versus one thrown in the sign of Gemini, which gives a better sense of what this shift in energy may feel like. We go from comfort-seeking connoisseurs to energetic, social communicators.
Now, for the big transit this week, I would be remiss not to mention the conjunction between the Sun and Venus, but first I also want to add that Jupiter will be bringing a lot to this transition (as the planet that tends to magnify everything). Jupiter is the planet of expansion, moving into a new house every year and puts a major emphasis on the sign in which he enters. As I mentioned in my last post, Jupiter hosted the Sagittarius Full Moon just before entering into the sign of his fall which is indeed Gemini. Now, Jupiter in Gemini can be thought of as a story teller. He inspires others to have a curiosity through the power of a enthusiastic communication. He invites a sense of wonder and exploration and for that, this energy can feel a bit scattered. If this isn’t clear by my writing today, then just think of it as weaving wisdom with fairy tales.
This is why Venus and the Sun feel like enchantment and flirtatious verbal sparring here in the sign of Gemini, perhaps even more than normal. This conjunction in Gemini happens about every four years, so it isn’t all that rare but it is an opportunity to reset and refresh Venusian themes in our chart. We know that every time something moves into a conjunction with the Sun, it is said to be a reset. Just as your reminder, when the Moon moves into a conjunction with the Sun it is called a New Moon, so think of this as a New Venus.
This placement may encourage us to embrace diversity in relationships and seek out intellectual stimulation in romantic partnerships. We may experiment with adding unique pieces to our wardrobe or we might just venture out into new social circles with the intention of adding variety to our spheres of influence. Themes of this transit include embracing curiosity, versatility, and communication in matters of love, beauty, and personal values. It encourages exploration, adaptability, and a playful approach to relationships and aesthetics. Venus in this sign becomes a flirtatious but intellectual muse.
Bringing all of this scattered Gemini messaging together means engaging the mind in grounding practices. We cannot forget the lessons that we learned while all the energy was focused in Taurus. I appreciate the words that John Vervaeke uses to describe the relationship we can have with paying attention: soft vigilence. As light as a feather, we can be gentle with ourselves when we get off track rather than punishing or scolding our mind for losing focus. Allow the side quests and the moments of getting turned around and see them as opportunities to explore new frontiers. Sometimes we need to step outside of our comfort zone and that is what a shift from Earth to Air helps us to do. This is movement from the physical and material plane to the intellectual and spritual realm. Where Taurus is stability and grounded, Gemini is flexible and dynamic. Move into the flow of life this season by engaging your networks, stimulating the mind, and experiencing new things.
Quote of the day: “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” -Galileo Galilei
Journal prompt of the day: Explore how societal norms, like partnership or beauty standards, have constrained you, and journal about how you could break free from these expectations with this rebirth of Venus in the sign of Gemini.
Previous Venus + Sun Conjunctions in Gemini to reflect upon:
June 3, 2020
June 6, 2016
June 5, 2012
June 8, 2008
June 8, 2004
June 11, 2000
June 10, 1996 and so on…
In honor of the twins, this Gemini Season, I am offering a buy one give one promotion for what I call a Relevance Reading in which I look at the Astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys of a natal chart and compare it to what is currently happening in the cosmos. This allows you to see how your chart is impacted by the transits in a very personalized way.
Check out my website for more information about how to book your reading and until June 20th you can give one to someone else for free!