
Bernadette Judaea
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2022


After editing three hour-long videos yesterday, I went outside and looked up at the stars.

I noticed they were blurry and it wasn’t so easy to focus on them. The more I stared, the clearer they became but one of my recurring thoughts came to mind. I think we lose our long distance vision when we stare at these screens so much. Perhaps even more frequently than before. I wonder if people of history experienced the opposite. I wonder if we start to lose our close-up vision if we are doing fewer tasks that require the ability to see small details. Maybe those of us that work with our hands are the ones who retained the nearsightedness and those that worked outside: the farsightedness.

Its interesting to me how that sentence can be interpreted very differently to mean our goals instead of actual ability to see. So here it is again. “I think we lose our long distance vision when we stare at these screens so much”. Of course, this is me justifying Astrology once again, but its such a great analogy I can’t pass it up. Indulging in social media takes our attention out of the present moment and into a moment that has already happened. We feel all sorts of things about having not gotten the opportunity to hang out with someone or do something that someone else did. All of that mental energy could be put to better use if it were engaged in a creative project.

This morning I watched a video released by The Stoa that was so good. Daniel Schmachtenberger brought in three people that are working on sense-making projects. The people that presented are high-level thinkers. They are far-sighted in this analogy. Their respective projects each handle a different aspect of helping humans to process the absurd amount of information we deal with on a daily basis. For me, because I write down the transits everyday, I feel like I have a far-sighted perspective on life, as well. Most people my age are already married and have kids or at least are very concerned about being in relationship. Personally, I can see a REALLY long journey ahead of me, I know those things will come in due time, but I no longer feel rushed to experience them.

The Sun and Pluto are opposite one another today (video is my instructor Acyuta-bhava das). This could lead to an interesting chain of events. I’ve prepared my mind for today and have plans to “take it easy” and “allow the waves of emotion to flow through me”. Even if Pluto’s position relative to the Sun is meaningless, this is still great advice to follow, wouldn’t you say? There have been days when I have woken up and thought, “Oh fuck I slept in. Now my day is ruined!” or “Its going to be a great day because …” and those sorts of claims elicit no antagonism. But if I throw in a planet, my thoughts become something to attack. People that have never looked any further than the surface tabloid magazine monthly sun sign horoscope will tell me they are absolutely certain that Astrology must be hogwash.

I remember when I used to work at a health food store and people called everything ‘snake oil’, particularly men. The wives would come in and the husbands would torment me with endless interrogation about how nothing in the store was regulated by the FDA. Here, I find myself a decade later with some wisdom of how to take care of myself and that is something that people are actively seeking out.

Originally written in Collective Journaling at The Stoa

