Street Fighting With Baptiste Pagani

Luis Landero
Astromono English
Published in
1 min readJun 11, 2015

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As far as video game character design goes, I find my taste is slowly moving towards French-styled animation and expressive posing. Baptiste Pagani excels at both of these and here’s a gallery of his art to prove it.

I learned about Baptiste’s tumblr earlier this week thanks to Guillaume Singelin, another artist whose work I love and I’m always impressed by. The style of both artists gels together very well, but I can clearly see that they’re influenced by different backgrounds and tastes.

Anyways, check out the gallery which spans everything from character design to backgrounds and even some animation design work. It’s pretty rad.



Luis Landero
Astromono English

ASTROMONO is the blog of Luis Landero, a Panamanian geek backpacker who now lives in Barcelona.