Vap Games is Working on Jetpack Squad

Luis Landero
Astromono English
Published in
1 min readJun 24, 2015
Jetpack Squad from the Creators of Incursion 2

The man behind Intrusion 2, Alexey “vap” Abramenko, is working alongside Aleks Nikonov to bring us a new rad-looking shmup called Jetpack Squad. Development is being done on Unity and the game is expected to at least hit PC, Mac and Linux when it’s eventually finished.

Somehow it reminds me of Gunstar Heroes and Noitu Love 2, but with much more crazy stuff going down. I dig it.

via Jetpack Squad



Luis Landero
Astromono English

ASTROMONO is the blog of Luis Landero, a Panamanian geek backpacker who now lives in Barcelona.