The Odd Games and Movies Found in Osama Bin Laden’s Computers

Luis Landero
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017

Yesterday, the CIA released a series of files found in the computers within Osama bin Laden’s house in Pakistan, where he was killed in 2011.

The list of files includes bin Laden’s journal and more of the kind of files you’d expect to find in a terrorist’s hideout. What was a bit surprising was the finding of movies, anime and even hentai video game porn.

Osama bin Laden was killed by US Navy SEALs during a raid at his Abbottabad compound in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. After his death, the CIA took possession of the hard drives found in the computers within the compound for further inspection.

In 2015, the CIA began releasing documents describing which books and other articles littered about the compound, but they remained quiet until this week, when they released a massive list of almost 470,000 files giving a general idea of what the computers at the hideout were being used for.

Osama bin Laden had everything on his computer, from old Youtube videos like “Charlie Bit My Finger” to episodes of the Pink Panther, beheading videos and movies like Antz, Cars, Chicken Little and Resident Evil. Certainly, there were kids in the compound using the computers, but thankfully they weren’t only consuming entertainment from the US. Gizmodo reports that within the files were also episodes of Detective Conan.

The computers also had video games Zuma Deluxe and Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 installed at one point. Again, not the strangest thing in the list, since David Thorpe later found that he also was using an emulator loaded to the brim with crappy bootleg hentai games.

I find this to be hilarious, and I’m choosing to believe this was the work of some pervy henchman who would sneak undetected while the rest of the Osama Crew were out having beers one afternoon.

“Don’t worry about it, guys, I’ll stay here and watch the compound.” Sure.

Perhaps the most bizarre and surreal thing that was found in the computers was a copy of Loose Change, the truther documentary which has since become one of the most popular conspiracy theories about 9/11. The documentary tries to explain how the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was all an inside job perpetrated by the US Government and George W. Bush. Let that sink in for a minute.

If you want to go deep diving into the files yourself, the archive is still available at CIA’s website through a quick Google search. If you’re the lazy kind, then you can always just follow the Twitter account @AbbottabadImage which has been steadily tweeting images from the CIA release since yesterday.

Originally published at on November 2, 2017.



Luis Landero

ASTROMONO is the blog of Luis Landero, a Panamanian geek backpacker who now lives in Barcelona.