Stephen Hawking is overrated

And his books suck

Astronomy, Cosmology, Space Exploration


I’m gonna skip introductions and go straight to the point. Here I list why Stephen Hawking doesn’t deserve all that fame.

1 — He is a bad writer

Here is where we begin. Why is Stephen Hawking famous in the first place? One of the main reasons is that he was a best-selling author. His most popular book is called A Brief History of Time and it sold more than 10 million copies!

The thing is that he definitely isn’t a good writer. He uses parenthesis way too often and repeats words all the time instead of using a pronoun or something, not to mention that when he has to use a big number he usually writes “a million million million million stars”, for example.

Also, he writes his books using an extremely popular language that anyone can understand. If you already have some knowledge on Cosmology or Physics, don’t buy his books because you won’t learn anything new. Go see a real scientist and ask him to recommend you a real scientific read. His book A Briefer History of Time is even worse. The entire book is written in a metaphorical language. For example, in one of the chapters a woman calls a radio show host because she is looking forward to buy a good star to put her planet around and start a life there. Really? That’s a language for toddlers.

2 — He really isn’t so intelligent.

He definitely wasn’t a brilliant student. Also, Physics wasn’t his focus. He actually wanted to study Mathematics but Oxford didn’t offer that degree at the time. He then studied a lot and tried to explain the Universe because he had no other choice. He can’t move, he can’t do anything. His brain, however, is working fine. It is evident that he has to use it. He’s in a wheelchair for more than 40 years. 40 years dedicated only to Cosmology and Physics . That’s enough time to make anyone in the world seem smart.

2.5 — he can easily avoid debates

Not being able to move and speak sucks. I really feel bad for him, but his condition can also be used as an excuse to avoid arguments. It must be hard to debate with someone who has to write a sentence using nothing more than a muscle on the right cheek. No one sane enough would bother debating with him

3 — He is working on a Theory of Everything. Of. Everything.

Is that even a name for a scientific theory? Once again that’s Stephen Hawking trying to be popular, using a simple and straightforward name like that to call the public attention. You may be wondering: “Oh, but that is good. People are going to be more interested in the big questions of the Universe etc.”. Yes, that is true, but keep in mind that the whole point of this article is to explain why he is overrated, and this is one of the reasons.

4 — His scientific discoveries don’t account for his popularity at all

He discovered that black holes are not that black. They emit radiation due to quantum fluctuations near the Event Horizon and they will eventually explode causing something like a Big Bang. Sure, there is no doubt that is something interesting and significant. However, he discovered that in the mid 20th century when lots and lots of scientific advances were being made. We had Albert Einstein, Max Plank, Werner Heisenberg and many many more brilliant people. The difference is that Stephen Hawking is still alive, even though doctors said he had 2 years to live.

I have nothing against him as a person. He is a great man with a great soul, no doubt. I just felt like I had to write this. If you enjoyed the article, follow me!

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