Asure founders visiting a farm near Kampala, Uganda

Asure.Network Team
Asure Network
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2018

Asure is visiting a farm in Uganda and our friend Patrick Iga aka “The best farmer” is showing us one of his demo farms for education. It was a pleasure to see how fertile Uganda is, how this area is developing, and how blockchain can be used to achieve even better results.

Constance, Doris, Patrick, Michael, Fabian

We heard about FACOM Uganda the first time on the 8th East African Blockchain Conference during a presentation by Mr Kawanguzi on how to use Blockchain to enable fair income for farmers and how to receive healthy and organic food as a customer.

FACOM is a farming consulting and management company with the vision to maximize wealth from land in the 21st century through modern farming techniques and practices.

According to Mr Kawanguzi, Blockchain can help to reduce costs due to removing unnecessary middlemen as well as making the whole food supply chain more transparent to farmers as well as the consumers.

Let’s consider food. At the moment you can’t be sure about its origin. Maybe it states “organic”, but you still have to trust different intermediaries and third parties within the supply chain. Data integrity ensured through a Blockchain reduces the need of trust by this third party as all information is saved in an immutable way on the Blockchain. Weaknesses of the supply chain itself, e.g. unnecessary middlemen, are much easier to detect and the whole process can be optimized.

Just a few days later we had the possibility to prove this when we were introduced to Patrick, who is the CEO of FACOM and one of the driving forces behind this project.

After a 1.5 hour drive from Kampala, we finally reached the entry of the farm and stopped right next to a Jack Fruit tree. The air was healthy and natural. After taking a big breath of that pristine air, we entered what we called “The Garden of Eden” and were welcomed with fresh bananas, filled with the taste of Uganda's sun.

Garden of Eden

The demo farm itself started behind the walls and was huge. Patrick is growing more than 150 different plants, reaching from jackfruits, mangos, strawberries, garlic leaves, different kinds of mint, up to eucalyptus as well as the source of chewing gum, and many more. We even had the pleasure to find out how a petal with 9.5 Volt tastes.

After an incredible walk over the farm, we were invited to have some traditional food consisting amongst others of cassava, matoke, beans as the main course and juicy pineapples and melons as dessert. Everything was fresh and organically grown healthy food.

Patrick and his workers are doing such amazing work according to FACOM’s mission to promote commercial farming through advising and encouraging local production in Uganda.

We from the Asure Foundation believe that through the application of the Blockchain technology within the supply chain, it is possible to create a much fairer and more efficient farming business in Uganda and Africa in general, as well as to create trust over the origin of organic food.

We’d like to thank Patrick for a wonderful day on one of his farms. It gave us a great opportunity to look at the beautiful nature of Uganda. Furthermore, we’d like to thank FACOM and all of its workers for their engagement and passion to make all of this possible.

Last but not least, many thanks to Michael Kiberu Nagenda, the CEO from KIPYA Bit2Big who made this journey possible, and our friends Doris and Constance.

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Asure.Network Team
Asure Network

Asure.Network Team - is a group of insurance and blockchain technology experts. We research social security on blockchain. Website: