Asure.Network CTO Fabian Raetz is speaking at the D1Conf, Prague, Czech Republic about Decentralizing Social Security

Asure.Network Team
Asure Network
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2018

The Prague Blockchain Week started for us with the Decentralized Insurance Developer Conference (D1Conf). The D1Conf is organized by Etherisc and offers a wonderful platform for all who deal with Blockchain technology in the insurance sector. Our CTO @FabianRaetz had the pleasure to present our work in the field of decentralizing social security and especially pension insurance.

We were very excited to be present at the D1Conf for the first time. We got to know Stephan Karpischek (from Etherisc, one of the D1Conf organizers) around half a year ago in Amsterdam at the Chainges conference. At that time it was already clear to us, that D1Conf is just right for the topics we deal with.

All in all it was the perfect place to share our ideas on building the Asure.Networka decentralized network for social security systems. We enjoyed our time at the conference talking to many leaders within the insurance and blockchain industry about real world use-cases. Due to the Blockchain technology, insurance and social insurance will support faster and automated claim processing, reduce costs and, will be more transparent to the customer.

If you’d like to know more:

We are already looking forward to participating and seeing newly made friends at the third D1Conf. Let’s see what we will achieve by that time, but we have ambitious goals and would really like to share our progress with both our existing supporters as well as new people interested in our vision and its realization.


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Asure.Network Team
Asure Network

Asure.Network Team - is a group of insurance and blockchain technology experts. We research social security on blockchain. Website: