How to become an early contributor of Asure Network

Asure.Network Team
Asure Network
Published in
6 min readJul 30, 2019

This article guides you through all steps necessary to participate in our initial ASR token generation event (TGE) and become an early contributor to the Asure Network.

About the ASR utility token

The ASR token will become the native token of the Asure Network. For the time being, the ASR token exists only as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum Mainnet. Having an ERC-20 based ASR token allows us to organize our token sale, and also allows token holders to trade ASR token more easily.

Once the Asure Network goes live, the ASR token will be used for transaction fees and in Asure Network’s Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm. The ASR token can seamlessly be transferred back and forth between the Ethereum Mainnet and the Asure Network Mainnet through the ASR token bridge.

ASR bonus program

Due to our ASR bonus program, all participants of our upcoming token sale will receive a 15% bonus on ASR tokens in the first week of the token sale.

Overview of ASR bonus program

How do I participate in the ASR token sale?

In the following section, we describe the steps necessary to participate in the ASR token sale in detail.

Step 1: Buy Ether on a crypto exchange

During the ASR token sale, ASR tokens will be sold for Ether (ETH). You can jump to step 2 in case you already own ETH.

ETH can be bought on many crypto exchanges. Some exchanges might be better than others depending on your location and if you want to buy ETH with fiat currency (e.g. USD, EUR, etc.) or another Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin (BTC).

We can recommend the crypto exchange Bitstamp as they support buying ETH with fiat currencies like EUR. Depending on your location, other crypto exchanges might be more suited for you. Take a look at the most known crypto exchanges and you will find an exchange that works well for you.

Step 2: Setup MetaMask browser add-on and ETH address

The ASR token sale will take place on our website. In order to participate, you will need a crypto wallet supporting a Web3 / DApp browser. This article will only describe the recommended setup using the MetaMask browser add-on.

NOTE: Chances are high that you can participate in the ASR token sale with your favorite wallet supporting a Web3 /DApp browser. We have successfully tested our token sale with the following wallets: Opera Browser, TrustWallet, and

Once you installed the MetaMask browser add-on you can either create a new wallet or import an existing Wallet by clicking on the MetaMask icon in your browser toolbar.

In the screenshots below, you can see how a new wallet was created in MetaMask. Depending on your browser, the screenshots might differ slightly.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you backup the “secret backup phrase” consisting of 12 words and make sure to never disclose them. Anyone with this phrase can take your ETH and ASR token forever.

MetaMask: How to create a new wallet.
MetaMask: How to backup your secret seed phrase.
MetaMask: How to copy your ETH address to the clipboard.
MetaMask: Tutorial on how to use MetaMask

Congratulations! You now have a configured MetaMask add-on, and an ETH address you can use to participate in the ASR token sale.

Step 3: Register with our Know Your Customer (KYC) process

The ASR token sale is operated under Swiss law and we, therefore, have to comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) regulations.

Therefore, in order to participate in the ASR token sale, you must register with our KYC / AML process which you can find here:

Register with Asure Network KYC / AML process

During the registration process, you have to provide your ETH address (created in Step 2). Once you submitted your registration, our team will verify it and, if successful, will whitelist the provided ETH address for the ASR token sale.

IMPORTANT: Only whitelisted ETH addresses are allowed to participate in the token sale.

Step 4: Check your registration

You can check the current state of the ASR token sale on our website. To verify that you fulfill all conditions of the ASR token sale, copy & paste your ETH address in the corresponding text input and click “Check your registration”.

Asure Network: Token Generation Event (TGE) Information

You will find four boxes at the top showing the three pre-conditions of the TGE:

  • You are using a Web3 / DApp browser compatible with the ASR TGE.
  • Your registration was verified by our team and your ETH address was already whitelisted.
  • The TGE is open for sale. This will be the case from December 1, 2019, 00:00 AM UTC to December 31, 2019, 00:00 AM UTC.

You are ready to participate, once the first three boxes state “YES”.

Asure Network: Token Generation Event (TGE) Status

The fourth box will display your ASR token balance. You can also add the ASR token to MetaMask’s token list by clicking the corresponding button.

Step 5: Transfer ETH to your whitelisted ETH address

To participate in the ASR TGE, you need ETH. In case you have not already done, transfer your ETH either from your crypto exchange (Step 2) or other ETH addresses to your whitelisted ETH address (Step 2,3).

Step 6: Buy ASR token

Once the ASR TGE opens on December 1, 2019, 00:00 AM UTC, you can buy ASR token.

You have to specify how much of your ETH you‘d like to spend on ASR tokens. The amount of ASR tokens you will receive will be calculated accordingly with the currently active bonus included.

Asure Network: Buy ASR tokens during Token Generation Event (TGE)

After agreeing to the ASR TGE conditions, you are ready to buy ASR tokens by clicking “BUY ASR TOKENS.” The MetaMask add-on will open a confirmation dialog which asks you to verify the transaction.

IMPORTANT: Before you verify the transaction in MetaMask, double-check that the token sale address equals


MetaMask: Verify buy tokens transaction

The transaction will be included in the Ethereum Mainnet once you verified the transaction in MetaMask. Once the operation succeded, your ASR token balance will be updated on our TGE status page, as well as in MetaMask.

Transaction successful

Congratulations! You should now own ASR token.

Thanks for your support!

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Asure.Network Team
Asure Network

Asure.Network Team - is a group of insurance and blockchain technology experts. We research social security on blockchain. Website: