The 5 Commandments That Won’t Make You Rich, But Will Get You Pretty Close

Your path to fu** off money starts here

Godfather Investor
Asymmetric Finance
3 min readNov 16, 2021


If you want to build long-term wealth, it’s not enough to cut expenses and save. Whether you like it or not, you also have to invest.

Not investing means losing purchasing power month after month and year after year: inflation eats into your savings, and you give up the potential of compound interest.

It doesn’t seem like an intelligent decision.

I am obvious with my money, there are five unbreakable commandments, and they are certainly not bad for me:

💵 1. A monthly salary is the drug of the 21st century.

When you and I get a little more intimate, I’ll tell you that I monetize everything in working hours. When I started working after some tough years in my career, I realized that my friends without studies earned more than me per hour at Burger King (with all due respect).

How could that be? I thought I would get out of college and be Warren Buffett, but reality quickly kicked in and put me in my place. My salary was $10/hour, which is a dollar for every 6 minutes of work.

Going out to dinner was half a day’s work, and going out to dinner and then partying was a day and a half. Was I compensated? No, not.

From that moment on, I said to myself: “Godfather Investor, either you make more money, or you stop going out.”

I chose the first one.

🧞‍♂️ 2. I’m not a genius. I don’t think anyone is.

Go to Youtube, and see how many people are selling you the following action to revolutionize the world. How many get it right? Very few. How many get it right ten times in a row? None.

Don’t play Peter Lynch. First, you don’t have the same information as him, second, you don’t have the same means, and third, your wife will kick you out of the house for losing the family savings.

In 10 years, only 10% beat the indices, in 20 years 3% and in 30 years nobody. Stop fooling around and focus on what you have to focus on.

💳 3. Don’t be obsessed with monetization

Yes, I also find it hard to tell you my secrets that have made me have a lot of money for free. Don’t worry. At some point, if I consider it, I will charge you for them, and I will tell you.

Remember, this network = net worth.

So don’t be stingy and share this with your colleagues.

⚙️ 4. Compound

Compound interest is the best thing in the world. In the beginning, it takes a planet to build an online business, a portfolio with a lot of money, or an established relationship. But that initial work has to be done.

It’s the ugly part and the part you see the least return on, but it’s more than worth it in the long run.

Charlie Munger said the hard part was the first $100,000. He’s in his 90s, and he’s one of the wealthiest people in the world. Maybe we should listen to him.

🍻 5. Enjoy every moment

This is very chick. Now seriously, there is no point in being bitter for 40 years and then not enjoying your money when you have no friends or health.

Enjoy the pleasures of life—a meal with your parents, a beer with your colleagues, or a trip with the missus. You will appreciate it.

Shall we make a deal? I’ll keep sharing with you the good stuff that will make you money, and you subscribe to my newsletter, OK?

When you get bored, unsubscribe, and we’ll say that ‘it was impossible for us.’

