Deploy your own Ethereum blockchain with Swarm on AWS

Christopher Dro
Published in
6 min readSep 29, 2017

In this article we’ll go over how to deploy your own Ethereum blockchain with Swarm on AWS. I highly recommend taking a look at the official swarm documentation and try to get setup locally before proceeding with this tutorial. This will give you a chance to familiarize yourself with some the common commands that will be seen throughout this tutorial.

In the end I hope this helps you deploy your local projects out to the public.

Alright, lets get started!

1. Setup AWS EC2 Instance

First, you’ll need to setup an account with AWS if you don’t have one already. From the console, navigate to EC2 Services and launch a new EC2 instance running Ubuntu.

There’s two important things to note in this process.

  1. Increase the storage block from the default 8gb to 30gb to ensure we have enough space for a complete sync of the blockchain. See Modifying the Size, IOPS, or Type of an EBS Volume on Linux for details.

2. Create and download the key pair file to ssh into your instance. Make sure to store this somewhere safe!

2. SSH into Instance

First we’ll need to get the public address of your newly created instance. You can find this by selecting your newly created instance and viewing the details under the “Description” tab. You can either use Public DNS (IPv4) or IPv4 Public IP.

Next, we’ll need to use the chmod command to make sure that your private key pair file isn’t publicly viewable. For example, if the name of your private key file is my-key-pair.pem, you’d use the following command:

chmod 400 /path/my-key-pair.pem

Finally, we can ssh into the instance with the following command.

ssh -i /path/my-key-pair.pem ubuntu@[YOUR_IP]


3. Install Go lang

1. Download the latest distribution of Go

curl -O

2. Unpack it to the /usr/local

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz

3. Setup a go folder

mkdir -p ~/go; echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/go" >> ~/.bashrc

4. Update your path

echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

5. Read the environment variables into current session

source ~/.bashrc

6. Double check that Go was installed properly

go version
Successfully installed Go

4. Install Geth and Swarm

“Geth” is the official golang implementation of the Ethereum protocol.

  1. Create a directory for source code
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/

2. Clone repo

cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone

3. Install geth and swarm

cd go-ethereum
go install ./cmd/geth/
go install ./cmd/swarm/

4. Check if everything installed properly

geth version && swarm version
Successfully installed Geth and Swarm

5. Account Setup

Now that we’re setup properly, the first thing we need to do is a create an account and a directory for the data store of our instance. I’ve chosen my home directory for this example.

Note: The official docs create this in the/tmp directory however, I recommend against this since this will cause your keystore to be wiped out after each boot, forcing you to create a new account.

We’ll be referencing this directory quite often so let’s add this to our .bashrc

echo "export DATADIR=/home/ubuntu/myDataDir" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Now we can create an account on testnet with the following command.

geth --testnet --datadir $DATADIR account new

After you’ve specified the password, you’ll receive the address of your account which will also serve as the base address of the swarm node.

Create account on testnet

Let’s save this address easy access later. Remember to exclude the curly braces.

echo "export BZZ=[YOUR_ADDRESS]" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

For curiosity’s sake, let’s take a look at how our keystore looks after we’ve created a new account.

In the root of your DATADIR folder you’ll see we now have a keystore directory with a file containing information about our new account as a simple JSON Object.


5. Starting Geth Instance

Now we you’ve got your account properly setup we can start our instance.

geth --testnet --datadir $DATADIR
Congratulations! You now have your own Ethereum blockchain node running on AWS

In order to start swarm, we’ll need to point to the geth IPC endpoint. Note that it’s location is within our DATADIR.

6. Starting Swarm Instance

From a new terminal tab or window, create a new ssh session while geth remains running in your current one.

There’s three parameters we’ll need to pass to swarm:

  1. — datadir (previously set to DATADIR)
  2. — bzzaccount (previously set to BZZ)
  3. — ens-api (our geth IPC endpoint) - Required only for ENS resolution
swarm -bzzaccount $BZZ --datadir $DATADIR --ens-api $DATADIR/geth.ipc
Successfully connected Swarm daemon

7. Create startup services

Now that we have everything working end to end, we can properly manage these instances with systemd. This avoids us having to worry about manually start/restarting our nodes and gives us some additional tools that will make managing the nodes much easier.

We’ll start by creating two unit files, one for geth (geth.service) and another for swarm (swarm.service). Put these two files in /etc/systemd/system.

Here is how our directory looks after creating the unit files.

Before we reboot our machine, we’ll need to enable these services to ensure they start on boot. For this, we use thesystemctl command which will be your main point of interaction for service management.

sudo systemctl enable geth.service swarm.service

Now we’re ready to reboot our machine.

After machine boots back up, let’s check the status of our geth service with the following command.

sudo systemctl enable geth.service swarm.service
Successfully start both instances on boot

8. Logging

What’s great about usingsystemd to setup our services we get log management for free! journalctl is another utility that’s part of the systemd ecosystem that helps us keep track of our service logs.

Let’s start by taking a look at our geth service. The following command uses two flags, -ufor the unit name and -f for follow the logs.

sudo journalctl -u geth.service -f
sudo journalctl -u geth.service -f

And of course, we can do the same with swarm.

sudo journalctl -u swarm.service -f
sudo journalctl -u swarm.service -f

For more options I recommend reading the following article: How To Use Journalctl to View and Manipulate Systemd Logs


Stay tuned for future articles on the different tools and technologies in the Ethereum ecosystem.

