Status update (week 10, 2019)

Fran Méndez
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2019


Hola amigos! This week we’ve made a lot of progress on tooling planning and coding. We also started writing code for the future Go parser. Things are progressing well and ahead of time. Keep reading to learn about the latest improvements.

Latest changes in the specification

  1. Add support for correlation IDs. Chris Wood took care of the implementation of correlation IDs. They are often used to implement request/reply patterns over messaging protocols and distributed tracing features. Check out the examples Chris added to the Pull Request because they’re really helpful. Thanks, Chris!
Cumulative flow chart showing the progress of AsyncAPI 2.0.0.
Release report showing the planned and predicted end dates. We’re 43 days ahead of plan! 🔥


For those who are not aware of the tooling plans, we decided to implement the parser for the next AsyncAPI version using the Go programming language. The rationale is that, given our limited resources, we need to automate as much as possible, and Go allows us to generate C modules that we can later import to create parsers in other programming languages. We know that’s far from perfect, but it’s what we can realistically afford with the number of people working on the project. And that’s why your contributions and donations are crucial.

Either you know Go or want to learn by doing, please join us to help develop the AsyncAPI 2.0.0 parser. It’s full of fun challenges!

Progress so far for an initial version of the AsyncAPI 2.0.0 parser.

AsyncAPI SIG meeting

We had our bi-weekly SIG meeting this week where we discussed the parser implementation and the possibilities to implement the Knative Eventing registry using AsyncAPI. And it’s now uploaded in our Youtube channel.


And last but not least, we’ve completed our first two weeks running the sponsorship campaign. So far, we have had a great response from the community, and you’ll see updates soon.

Remember, we’ve got different tiers so that everybody can show their love! ❤️

Donate here. Help Open Source projects.

“Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.”

— Bruce Lee

See you next week, folks! 👋



Fran Méndez

Creator of the AsyncAPI specification. Prev: APIs & Integrations Engineer at New Relic. Lead Engineer at Hitch.