I Cry Whenever I See You Smile

Devin Mitchell Durbin


You’re more. More than this.

You think the changes

Will make you better,

But they only make you sick

Sicker than ever –

You felt dead before, but look.

Look in the mirror.

Look at your skin –

What does the mirror reflect?

The taste of acridity on your tongue.

How — how does it work?

Why does that the thing

That is supposed to free us,

Haunt our very souls?

It rattles the bones.

The pain is too much

For one soul to take

We spit in the face of God

When we think we are Him.

I don’t know, but it hurts to watch

Because when you change your name

And wear those clothes

And I see myself in you.

When they dressed them up

And put their corpse in front of us to see.

I saw myself in that casket.

But, I also saw you.

I cry whenever I see you smile.



Devin Mitchell Durbin

Poet trying to chase after Gods heart. Don’t call me David — I’m nowhere that good. Writing something new right now. #BalladOfDrystanWIP