How to Decorate Your First Apartment as a Couple

At Home With AptDeco
4 min readJun 3, 2016

When you’re a New Yorker, finding that special someone is a major accomplishment. But making space for the two of you in one apartment can be even more challenging, especially if you’re both used to living alone.

Merging all your stuff — and deciding what new stuff to buy — as well as coming up with a décor scheme that works for both of you can feel a bit complicated. But with a few wise decisions, the two of you can successfully feather your love nest. With this in mind, AptDeco and Manhattan Mini Storage have teamed up to compile the best tips to help you in the process.

Take Stock

Long before the move-in date for your new home together, take a good, hard look around both your current dwellings. Make a list of who owns what, especially in terms of furniture and appliances. Chances are you’re not going to need two futons; you may not even need one.

On the other hand, there are essentials every couple needs in a shared apartment — sofa, coffee table, rug, television set, dishes, pots and pans, wall art and so forth. Don’t forget to examine your wardrobes, either. So before you make any decisions, see what you’re working with, and make a list of all your belongings.

photo by Vlist

Move, Toss or Store?

Once you and your significant other have made a complete list of your stuff, go through it together and decide what you want to take with you to your new apartment. Anything worth taking should meet three criteria:

  1. It’s in good or great condition (i.e. not broken, stained or otherwise trashy).
  2. It will serve a regular need in your new apartment.
  3. It’s something you BOTH like.

Of course, there will be some items that don’t meet these conditions yet are still worth saving. Maybe they have tremendous sentimental or monetary value. Or they’re something you’ll have room for someday, when you have a bigger home together. Or they’re seasonal items — holiday decorations, skis, a bicycle or what have you — that you’ll want access to as the calendar changes.

Put these in storage. That way, they’re safe and sound for when you need them again.

Whatever’s left over, you can either sell, donate or, if it’s truly trash, throw out. But remember: One person’s trash is another one’s treasure, and you want to help save the environment. So trashing should be the last resort.

photo by Glamour

Shop for Two

Now here’s the fun part: Buying new stuff for your new apartment. The key here is to do this together. (Unless one of you truly doesn’t care what the new place looks like, in which case, woo hoo! Go crazy!)

Don’t be in a rush. Once you’ve completed the steps above, discuss with each other what you truly want and need in the new apartment. Decide what your style and color scheme will be. For most couples, warm earth tones — like browns, tans, warm grays, and greens — work best. It’s perfectly fine to have one or two brightly-colored pieces, but the overall feeling should be “home” — not “noise.” And that goes for wall paint as well as furniture, carpeting and artwork.

After deciding on the overall style of your couple’s apartment — as well as your collective budget — shop around. Again, if you do this as a duo, you’ll be far more likely to agree on décor. And remember that you don’t have to decorate the entire apartment at once. Focus on the essentials first, and then let your furnishings evolve over time as your relationship does.

We wish you the best of luck in your new home!

photo by Rebloggy

This post is contributed from our friends at Manhattan Mini Storage. Manhattan Mini Storage is a NY based company that offers mini storage and moving services with all the supplies, transportation and support needed to stash stuff safely in a private and secure storage room.

Originally published at



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