A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.
A wise person should always prepare for the “rainy day or days”.
Human life is like traveling on a road. Many roads are winding. There are several bends on the road, and every few kilometres, you will encounter a bend in the road. When getting closer to a bend on the road, it gets very tricky, and the traveler has to exercise a lot of caution to negotiate the curve.
Also at each bend, it almost always feel like the traveler is coming closer to the end of the road. However looks are deceiving, and as you get closer and closer, and start to navigate the turn, you quickly realize that the bend is not the end of the road.
Now take note that Human life is very similar to traveling on a winding road for a number of reasons, but I will talk about just one of the similarities.
No body in life ever gets a smooth “problem free” life. There are people with health issues, financial issues, family issues, housing problems, addiction issues, marital issues, etc.
No one in life is able to avoid all these problems. It is either one or the other.
Of course some of these problems I have mentioned above are much more severe than the other, but one thing that is for certain, is that every person and every…