Francis Korkor
At Pace With The Times
5 min readSep 27, 2019


Climate Change Is The Greatest Threat in Human History.

I sometimes think scientists have not been able to explain in simple terms to ordinary folks why the warming of the planet by a few degrees, can be devastating to humans.

We have all witnesses people who flat out claim that the climate is not warming, to people who believe that it is warming, but the warming is not being caused by humans, and finally those who say even if the climate is warming up, there are natural mechanisms by which Mother Nature will self correct, and bring the situation back to normal.

Personally I am not going to try to convince those who do not believe that the climate is warming up. This is because there are specialized thermometers around the world that can easily be used to verify whether the climate is warming up or not. Anyone who says they don’t believe the climate is warming, will be making a fool out of himself, if they verify some of the specialized temperature recorders around the world.

Now my aim is to discuss the issues that humanity will face if global temperatures rises, and climate change continues the way it is going.

According to the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the world’s definitive scientific body on the topic, should temperatures increase to 1.5°C, of 105,000 species they studied, four percent of vertebrates, six percent of insects and eight percent of plants would lose half of their climatically-determined geographic range. At 2°C the percents double to triple. At 1.5°C we will lose 70 to 90



Francis Korkor
At Pace With The Times

B.A (Geography and Archaeology), M.A (Archaeology), Dip (Human Resources Management)