A Brand New Course From Pathwright Grow: How to Design a Path

Christian Shockley
At Pathwright
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2017

Today, I’m excited to announce a new course from Pathwright Grow! For a long time, our Learning Experience Design Team has been dreaming up a way to share a simple, effective course design process.

This new course, How to Design a Path, is our first step in that direction.

Through four simple steps — with readings, videos, and activities along the way — we’ll share an easily adoptable process for designing an effective course. This process helps anyone design learning experiences that engage learners, teach the right ideas or skills in the best way, and help learners apply those skills effectively.

If you’d like to pilot this course with us, head over to Pathwright Grow and register. You’ll be notified as soon as the course launches.

We’ve designed an easy way for you to make courses and guide people along them. If you’d like to try it out, just visit www.pathwright.com and start making paths.

