Four Ways to Offer Courses that Quadruple Their Impact

Christian Shockley
At Pathwright
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2017

At Pathwright, we hope technology empowers teachers and experts alike. Last week we wrote about how important this complementary relationship really is. (Check that out here if you missed it.)

This week, we wanted to share a feature that empowers this duo of skills: Groups. A Group is a set of learners who move through a version of your course. Groups give you the ability to offer your course in multiple ways simultaneously.

Here are four Groups you might create:

1. Self-paced courses

Create a self-paced Group at a lower price point. The Group might involve less moderation (or no moderation), but learners understand they get the value of working at their own pace.

2. Guided & scheduled

Offer a guided, schedule-based Group with personal feedback from a teacher. Teachers might give feedback on all course work and meet with learners over video chat or in person.

3. Premium content

Offer premium levels of a course with additional bonus content or more individualized instruction.

4. Private groups

Offer private Groups for another teacher or organization to teach to their own learners.

Multiple course offerings means even more ways to help learners. The beauty is that you can offer any combination of these groups at any time. Set custom prices for each or offer them for free — it’s up to you.

No matter your content or teaching style, Groups offer more ways for you to engage with your learners.

If you’re already using Pathwright and would like a little more guidance on offering Groups, check out this article from our Guidance Team.

Thousands of people use Pathwright every day to design and teach dynamic courses. You can try out Pathwright for free. You’ve got nothing to lose!

