Introducing a New Home Base for Teachers

Lydia Sellers
At Pathwright
Published in
1 min readJan 17, 2018

So let’s say you’ve…

  1. Designed an engaging course path with a few lessons.
  2. Filled it in with readings, videos, discussions, etc.
  3. Invited a few learners to start.

Well, first of all, congratulations! 🎉 Those 3 steps represent a lot of work.

But what now? Now is when the teaching really begins…

Teach with superpowers

The new Teach tab is like a superpower for you and anyone on your staff who’s guiding groups of learners through courses. With it, teachers can . . .

📈 Monitor each group using a lightsaber-esque progress bar.
⚙️ Get one-tap access to the group member list, grades, settings, and stats.
🚀 Quickly identify which groups haven’t launched yet.

Here’s a 20 second tour:

We’ll make more updates to the Teach tab and Groups soon. If you have questions or feedback, let us know in the comments below. 👇

If you’d like to try Pathwright for yourself, you can create an online course for free anytime.



Lydia Sellers
At Pathwright

Communications specialist, style nerd, yogi. ❤️ moving new ideas forward. Outreach at Pathwright (@pathwrightapp)