[BEST PRACTICES]: 3 Easy Ways to Effectively Onboard Your New Realtor

Alain Kapatashungu


Before Frontdoor — we built a real estate company much like yours today so we know a thing or two about how hard it can be to bring new people in the fold. It gets even harder, especially as you’re growing quickly.

Onboarding is one of the most important traits of your work as CEO at least at the beginning of your firm, as new sales associates defacto become the voice of the brokerage and its culture. We want to share three things to successfully help you, onboard new sales associates.

‍Define clear goals: Before your onboarding process starts, ask yourself: What do I expect my new sales associate to be aware of after the onboarding?‍ As a broker-owner, CEO or manager, you must clearly communicate goals to your sales associate(s) as they arrive. As a process, it simply sets expectations and helps your new sales associate learn faster about what’s required of him/her.

Create a pathway: The moment your sales associate joins the firm, there are specific things they must learn in order to thrive quickly. As a manager, focus on making their new work-life easier by creating a path to follow. ‍‍You can if you want also share some “homework” ahead of time with your associate(s).

‍Onboarding task you can have:

  • Reading: about the tone your sales associate adopts with internet leads, current customers, tips, notes about open houses, etc.‍‍

What we did is that at the end of each week, we sat down with the new team member (sales associate) and asked for their thoughts. What went awesomely and what didn’t. You mustn’t miss addressing something that isn’t going well early. Onboarding is a living and iterative process, feedback is an opportunity to refine your process over time.

Make it lively: A crucial part of the onboarding period is the interaction with other sales associates. Your collaborators have knowledge about the protocols, the company culture, or the way to interact with online customers. Make sure that your current team sits down with the newbie and share their knowledge.‍‍

Thanks again to everyone who’s joined Frontdoor and supported us so far.

Our passion is to help real estate professionals save time. Frontdoor work solves problems, builds relationships, and is fun. We create relentlessly helpful, habit-forming products that finally brings efficiency and clarity to agents worldwide.




Published in Frontdoor

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Alain Kapatashungu
Alain Kapatashungu

Written by Alain Kapatashungu

Faithful Steward. Co-founding CEO @Frontdoor

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