[BEST PRACTICES]: Dear Agents, Here’s Why You Must Talk to Gen Z-ers Now

Alain Kapatashungu
2 min readJan 14, 2020


As each new generation enters the market, you as a real estate professional must prepare yourself for the shift from working with Millennials to Gen Z.

90% of Gen Z-ers plan to purchase a home online. And because Zers live in an instant-gratification world, this certainly impacts how they shop for and buy a house from you as their potential real estate agent.

As a real estate agent, you must position yourself to take all the advantages of potential homebuyers by staying up-to-date with social media, clarifying your value proposition to appeal to this generation’s needs and desires and learn all you can about this demographic.

Here are some of the key points that Gen Z-ers focus on in real estate:

Market: Gen Z-ers value homeownership and sees it as an ultimate life goal. 97% of Generation Z believe they will own a home in the near future. 81% said they’ll use a real estate professional during the home-buying process.

Engage: Their most-used social media sites are Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. Gen Z-ers expect to purchase their first home before their thirtieth birthday.

Gen Zers want you, the agent to reach out to them on social media and not to email or call them. 50% of Zers use their phones to see if some of your listings home price has been updated giving you an incredible shot to not only engage with them but to promote your reactivity.

Z-ers are looking for ways to save money in the home buying process, perhaps opting for affordable, functional homes. 50% of Gen Z identifies themselves as deal seekers that’s why $275,000 it’s on average what they are willing to invest in a first home.

Z-ers prefer buying homes in culturally diverse neighborhoods, It’s the first generation in American history to show such a strong diversity preference.

Z-ers are the first generation that strives for impact first and foremost. They want to see an impact within the product they buy and empower the people they work with. Gen Zers are more multicultural than any other generation

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