[BEST PRACTICES]: Gen Z Want Realtors to Master This Etiquette

Alain Kapatashungu
2 min readFeb 13, 2020


Millennials have been shouting but we weren’t listening: So ready or not, here comes Gen Z-ers and the key to their heart is Personalization. They want you to really pay attention, know who they’re, what they’re looking for… down to the details: they expect you to master the etiquette of customer engagement.

You can’t longer afford to undervalue Gen Z.

Here’s the good news mavericks, call them what you will…agents and brokers are at least courageous enough to look at the industry in a whole new way.

They no longer see leads but people, they deliver outcomes, not tactics, they create relationships, not just transactional ones. No realtor has ever finished reading an email inquiry and thought, “I had all the information I needed to help my online customer, but I wish this email inquiry had been more tedious to information to act upon”.

In fact, if the email inquiry was tedious enough, it’s possible that the agent or broker didn’t finish reading it at all.

Unengaging interactions do a disservice to the realtor and the customer. Even if you have a great name, easy to remember, it won’t matter a whole lot if the agent is too busy finding actionable/useful information about you to make a better-informed decision.

That’s why we must focus as software providers to offer suggestions that make customer engagement fun. By choosing a simple tap and varying the rhythm of your response, you can keep your customers interested and engaged from the first word to the last.

We’re reinventing how work gets done and our commitment is to help agents and brokers perform their best work every single day. Our passion is to help real estate professionals save time. We create relentlessly helpful and habit-forming products that stop agents from becoming overwhelmed.

