c: @RentingSF

[BEST PRACTICES]: Keep Turning Your Open Houses Into Virtual Tours

Alain Kapatashungu


As we take the first steps for reopening post lockdown, a cautious approach is needed to prevent a second wave of infections everywhere. To halt the virus, real estate professionals need to monitor the health parameters as it pertains to their “new normal” workday.

The best thing that can happen now in markets that aren’t yet reopened to the public (homebuyers/sellers/renters) is to remain digital as it pertains to open houses or go digital if you haven’t done it already.

Digital today is the best alternative to in-person viewings, some brokers and agents are turning to technology, offering renters and buyers virtual tours.

Concerning how long the open house cancellation madness will last, no one today could clearly predict that. But when the measures will be alleviated in more and more cities, states, and countries, I expect a huge spike as it relates to activity.

In these challenging times, being in a process of buying and selling properties brings even more uncertainty and emotions and that’s true even for the most discerning of homebuyer or seller.

We’re all optimistic and confident that we’ll get there, together. Stay safe.

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