[BEST PRACTICES]: Reopening Has Begun. No One Is Sure What Happens Next. What Does It Mean For Agents?

Alain Kapatashungu
3 min readMay 12, 2020


Major urban areas are staring this week to de-shelter with certain restrictions as it pertains to populations. It’s the case in Paris just as it will also be the case by the end of the week in beautiful Miami and so forth. The shelter-in-place in some of the largest urban areas are being alleviated.

As real estate professionals, it’s not too early to prepare yourselves as it relates to accommodating the largest generation with the most purchasing power yet.

Real estate professionals around the globe are eager to resume their activities but also are envisioning, even trying to anticipate what the next phase of their day-to-day business activities would look like.

Yesterday, Paris did start to alleviate their shelter-in-place as aforementioned. Barbershops are starting to open again, part of the schools are re-opening and many companies have been able to slowly resume their day to day operations.

Cities are gradually resuming their daily life while respecting barrier gestures and social distancing. It’s a perfect time as a professional to communicate on your policies as it pertains to serving buyers and sellers as states alleviate the shelter-in-place measures.

Start sharing your new projects as well as solutions that you can bring to your clients as it relates to helping them find a great place to call it home. It won’t be business as usual for a couple more weeks or months as you can imagine.

I’m delighted about what we learned at Frontdoor in terms of understanding what a return to “normalcy” looks like. We didn’t want agents and brokers to fall into old rhythms and find yourselves as an agent or a broker in old places.

After this is over, in the recovery we want to help real estate professionals be in a position where they can step into something new, something that’ll push you forward as a real estate professional in the communities that you serve.

Here’s what you must do:

  • You must see opportunities where your competitors will see obstacles
  • Avail yourself as never before to your customers (old, current, and new)

Whether it’s through phone calls, chats, and video calls, connect and inform your clients about the measures you’re taking to protect them. Your focus as cities alleviates the shelter-in-place is to NOT break that very hard balance between trust and reliability.

Kenneth Rosen, chairman of the Berkeley Haas Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, said something about the current housing market:

“You get out of the coma. You don’t go dancing right away. You take a long, slow recovery to get back to normal,” Rosen said.

As you all know, buying and selling properties bring uncertainly and emotions even for the most discerning of home buyers or sellers. We exist to ensure that you’re equipped with not just data or Insights but the Intelligence to help you make the right decision at all times.

But we’re all optimistic and confident that we’ll get there, together. Stay safe.

Frontdoor is taking the pain out of automating real estate business transactions from lead to closing. Frontdoor develops relentlessly helpful and habit-forming products that agents use to prioritize, and engage with homebuyers in seconds.

