There’s no Competition — Focus on YOU!

2 min readAug 8, 2017


By — Alain Kapatashungu: Co-founder, CEO

I spent time thinking about our competition — it was very time-consuming. Especially because of the context of the real estate space— one of the most competitive industries to be in. Markets move quickly, points of differences change daily and the players evolve quickly. So, when your energy goes into keeping up and trying to beat the competition, you drain your mind of the much-needed creative out of innovative thinking.

You set the bar at a certain level, when there really should be no bar at all. If there is a benchmark or a level, that’s all that you’ll try to reach. Competitive advantages lie in the future and not the present. Concentrating on what is the present is not dynamic enough for the future. There is always opposition at every corner in business.

If you focus on trying to beat the competition with reactive tactics all you’ll have is a small area of the field covered. Forget the competition — keep them in sight but don’t keep them as a priority. Focus on what you can do. Try to imagine the ultimate competitor instead — your worst nightmare. Everything you always wanted to be. Then maneuver your objectives around becoming that.

If you have any questions or want to dive deeper into this, give me a shout on Twitter @akptsh. Also, if you find yourself nodding along and love building great experiences, we’re recruiting at Frontdoor

