Meet-A-Medic: Ashley Faulstich, Medic — Field

Veronica Callis
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2019

Hello, my name is Ashley Faulstich and I am currently a Clinical Specialist — Field candidate with ATCEMS. This is my first time working on an ambulance, although I have worked a couple of jobs in the health field. I am a single mother to a wonderful and vibrant 5-year-old girl. I love watching her grow and am enjoying every minute of it!

Where are you from originally and what brought you to Austin?
I was originally born in northern California, but I was raised in the Cedar Park/Leander area. I lived in the Los Angeles area for 3.5 years, but decided to move back to Texas where I knew I belong! I am currently living in Leander.

What inspired you to become a medic/What attracted you to this career choice?
I’ve always had an itch for being a first responder. I started out with a fire department, but ultimately knew I loved the medical field. I love being out in the field and being there for our citizens in their time of need.

How long have you been with ATCEMS and what motivated you to work here?
I will have been with ATCEMS for a year in October and have many, many years to go! What attracted me the most was how innovative our system is and the dedication to becoming excellent providers for our citizens.

What is your favorite part about working here at ATCEMS?
All the resources we have here to make Austin a better city than it already is. We also have so many opportunities within the department to grow as providers. The greatest thing here is that you gain a HUGE family!

If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them?
The Oasis! You can’t beat that view!

What is your favorite taco joint in town?
Torchy’s Tacos! Plus the Queso! Put the queso on the tacos!

What do you do on your days to relax and unwind?
I have a 5-year-old, so “relax” really isn’t in my vocabulary! I love going to the pool or park with her and watching the joy on her face.

Who inspires you?
My daughter. I am constantly striving to be the best role model for her. I also would not be where I am without the help of my family. They are a huge part of my life.

Academy Class 1018 Graduation

What is the next place you would like to visit? Why?
Anywhere tropical! I need the white sand and blue water on my toes! I have been snorkeling once and would love to do it again!

Word of advice for an aspiring medic?
Keep going. It can get hard and life will test you, but believe in your goals and JUST. KEEP. PUSHING.

Interested in a career with ATCEMS? Contact our Recruiting team at or give us a call at 512–974–1098. You can find dates for the hiring process elements here.

Follow us on all social media channels, and don’t forget to fill out a connect profile.

This publication features ATCEMS work culture and the lives of our medics. *Readings from other publications posted to Medium do not necessarily reflect the views or position of Austin-Travis County EMS, the City of Austin, or Travis County*

