Why Marketing can feel like Therapy!

Eva Berdeli
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2023

Marketing and therapy may seem like two completely different realms, but upon closer examination, you’ll discover intriguing parallels between the two. Both involve understanding human behavior, establishing connections, and influencing individuals in meaningful ways. In this article, I would like to delve into why Marketing can feel like therapy and examine how businesses can leverage this perspective to build stronger relationships with their customers. Let’s explore how the human psyche can fuel success through empathetic Marketing strategies!

Understanding human psychology: the study of the mind and human behavior.

At the core of both marketing and therapy lies a deep understanding of human psychology. Therapists aim to comprehend their clients’ emotions, motivations, and thought patterns to help them overcome challenges and achieve personal growth. Similarly, marketers strive to grasp the desires, needs, and aspirations of their target audience to develop strategies that resonate with them. By employing empathy and psychological insights, marketers can craft compelling messages that strike a chord with consumers, much like a therapist’s ability to connect with their patients.

Marketing Psychology

Key factors of marketing psychology include the following:

  1. Perception

Perception refers to how individuals interpret and make sense of the world around them. Marketers need to understand how consumers perceive their products or brands and use strategies to shape positive perceptions through branding, packaging, design, and advertising.

Perception plays a crucial role in marketing, as it directly influences how consumers interpret the information presented to them — just like humans interact with their surroundings and make sense of their experiences. Marketers often leverage perception to shape consumer attitudes, preferences, and purchasing decisions. For instance, marketing can impact human perception through product packaging, visual content, advertising messages, consumer reviews and testimonials, online presence etc.

2. Attention and Focus

In a competitive marketplace, capturing and maintaining consumers’ attention is essential. Marketing psychology explores techniques to grab attention, such as compelling headlines, eye-catching visuals, and engaging storytelling. Attention and focus are dynamic processes that can be influenced by internal factors (e.g., motivation, emotional state) and external factors (e.g., environmental stimuli and distractions). The study of attention and focus in psychology helps researchers and practitioners understand cognitive abilities, learning processes, problem-solving, and everyday behaviors.

3. Emotions and Feelings

Emotions play a significant role in consumer decision-making. Marketing psychology examines how emotions can be evoked and utilized to influence consumer behavior. Positive emotions like joy, excitement or happiness can be linked to brands or products to create positive associations.

While the terms “emotions” and “feelings” are often used interchangeably, they have distinct characteristics in psychological research: Emotions are complex, brief, and intense psychological responses to specific events. These are often automatic and involuntary reactions to external or internal stimuli. Common emotions include joy, fear, anger, sadness, surprise, and disgust. Feelings, on the other hand, are the conscious subjective experiences and awareness of emotions. They represent the mental and emotional states that arise in response to emotions. While emotions are more intense and shorter-lived, feelings are typically less intense and may persist over a more extended period. Feelings can also be influenced by thoughts, memories, and beliefs.

4. Memory and Recall

Creating memorable experiences and associations with brands helps consumers remember and recall them when making purchasing decisions. Marketers can use various strategies like repetition, unique brand positioning, and emotional connections to enhance brand recall. Memory and recall are essential processes in psychology that involve the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. They are integral to how humans learn, retain knowledge, and make use of past experiences.

These few factors provide marketers with insights into consumer behavior, enabling them to develop effective marketing strategies and tactics that resonate with their target audience and drive desired outcomes.

“In the game of marketing and life, understanding human psychology is the ultimate superpower.” — Jay Baer

The key to long-term success

Another critical component for Marketers’ success is building trust and connection with clients. Trust is the cornerstone of both therapeutic relationships and successful marketing campaigns. In therapy, establishing trust allows clients to open up and share their deepest thoughts and emotions, fostering a safe and supportive environment. Similarly, marketers must earn the trust of their audience to create meaningful connections. By demonstrating authenticity and transparency while delivering on promises, businesses can build trust and forge lasting relationships with their customers. Fostering trust and establishing emotional connections with customers by actively listening when they communicate their needs, criticism, or complaints, is essential for long-term success.

In therapy, active listening is a vital skill that empowers therapists to fully understand their clients, enabling them to pay close attention to verbal and nonverbal cues, ask probing questions, and provide empathetic responses. Similarly, effective marketing requires to actively listen to customers’ feedback, engage in meaningful conversations, and respond promptly to their inquiries or concerns. By listening attentively and communicating effectively, marketers can build rapport, understand customer preferences, and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Eventually, marketing is all about cultivating long-term relationships, as therapists aim to cultivate long-term relationships with their clients, supporting them throughout their personal journeys. Likewise, marketers strive to build enduring relationships with customers, nurturing loyalty and advocacy. By focusing on customer retention and providing exceptional experiences, marketers can transform one-time buyers into loyal brand advocates and valuable assets to the business.

“The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing” — Tom Fishburne

Ultimately, by adopting a therapeutic mindset, marketers can tap into the deeper motivations and emotions of their audience, and build stronger connections to create more authentic and impactful campaigns. Understanding the human psyche and fostering emotional connections are key to a successful Business Strategy.

Originally published at https://www.atcom.gr on July 25, 2023.

