Which mobile framework to choose: Flutter Vs React Native Vs Ionic?

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11 min readMar 9, 2021

Many consumers rely on phones to render their daily lives easier. As a consequence of mobile applications, a person’s actions have shifted. Even so, we can’t approach every mobile phone consumer with indigenous application development, necessitating the need for cross-platform business applications. If you’re starting a company and want to spend on a mobile app or moving from a physical store to a digital platform, the only issue is finding the right solution for your needs.

Any of these innovations, either Respond Native, Ionic, Flutter, or PhoneGap, allow the development of mobile apps for Android and iOS without using Kotlin, Java, Swift, or Objective-C.


Flutter is an open and free mobile UI application produced by Google and released in May 2017. In a nutshell, it enables you to build a native mobile app using just one codebase. This means you can create two separate apps using the same programming language and codebase (for iOS and Android).

Flutter is made up of two main components:

  • An SDK (Software Development Kit) is a set of tools that will assist you in creating your applications.
  • A Framework (widget-based User Interface Library) is a set of generic user interface elements (buttons, text inputs, sliders, and so on) that you can customize to suit your needs.

A Framework (widget-based User Interface Library) is a set of generic user interface elements (buttons, text inputs, sliders, and so on) that you can customize to suit your needs. You’ll use the Dart programming language to build Flutter apps. Google developed the language in October 2011, but it has come a long way in the last few years.

Dart is a front-end programming language that can be used to build smartphone and web applications. Dart is a typed object programming language that you can learn if you have any programming experience. Dart’s syntax is equivalent to JavaScript.

Advantages of using Flutter

You may believe that any cross-platform framework can do certain things and include certain features needed for the job, and you would be right. However! In certain important respects, Flutter varies from its rivals.

1. All platforms have the same user interface and business logic.

Experts know that practically every cross-platform architecture enables code to be exchanged between target platforms.

Furthermore, the Flutter team has worked hard to provide a wide range of ready-to-use widgets. The majority of them are extremely versatile, allowing you to save time like no other system. Flutter contains a large collection of Material and Cupertino widgets in addition to several core layout widgets that precisely imitate the actions of each design aesthetic.

2. Accelerated Time-to-Market

This one is easy to grasp. The Flutter creation system is faster than its rivals. When opposed to an app built independently for Android and iOS, you can anticipate a Flutter app to take at least twice as long to create.

The primary driver is that you don’t need to compose any platform-specific code to obtain the graphics you want in your app. Without communicating with a native device counterpart, any 2D-based UI can be introduced in Flutter.

3. Output is equivalent to that of native apps

For a successful user experience, application efficiency is important. Although exact figures are difficult to come by, it’s fair to assume that Flutter application performance will be distinct from native app performance in the overwhelming majority of cases and even better in complex UI animation scenarios.

4. Customizable, Animated User Interfaces of Any Complexity

One of Flutter’s most powerful features is the ability to modify everything you see on the computer, no matter how complicated it is. Although it is typically possible to build a highly customized UI on native platforms, the effort required differs by orders of magnitude.

Companies using Flutter

When and why use Flutter?

1. Easy to understand and use

Flutter is a cutting-edge framework that you can sense! It’s a lot easier to build mobile apps with it. If you’ve worked with Java, Swift, or Respond Native, you’ll note how different Flutter is.

2. Maximum productivity comes from the fast collection

You can adjust your code and then see the proper results, thanks to Flutter. It’s classified as Hot-Reload. After you register, it only takes a few moments for the application to be revised.

Flutter is, in a nutshell, the fastest way to build a high-performing cross-platform mobile app. It can be seen that Flutter being the supreme cross-platform UI system in a matter of time.

React Native

When it comes to Android development or iOS development, businesses often get perplexed about whether they should give their customers a mobile app with an excellent User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) or apps that are highly configurable platforms and are quicker to create in the very first place. As a result, REACT Native Innovation comes into play! React Native is becoming more popular among developers who want to build cross-platform mobile apps.

REACT Native allows you to build true and entertaining mobile apps using only JavaScript, which is compatible with Android and iOS. Only write one line of code, and REACT Native apps are compatible with both ios and Android platforms, reducing development time.

React Native is a system that creates a framework of user interface components from which JavaScript code is created. It comes with a collection of components for both iOS and Android platforms that can be used to build a native-looking mobile app. ReactJS, on the other hand, is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that are open source. However, except for developing interfaces, Facebook built both React Native and ReactJS using the same frameworks.

Advantages of the React Native

The benefits of React Native are various and varied, ensuring that programmers have a specific coding perspective.

1. Support from the Community

As an open-source platform, React Native allows the service developer community to review all information related to the technology for free and apply it whenever they want. React Native is a community-driven platform that allows you to seek advice from other developers, check for actual expertise, and even assist other developers with trouble with something.

Developers may also use the group by demanding that other developers review or provide appropriate input on their ongoing projects. Developers are also allowed to seek their observations and lessons learned, resulting in a genuinely cooperative approach for all parties involved.

2. Optimal Performance

The system’s efficacy is focused on the use of native modules and functions to enhance performance. It works by communicating with native Android and iOS elements and then creating native API codes without intervention. The platform’s use of a unique thread, independent from the native APIs and UIs, results in performance acceleration and enhancement. Other choices, such as a WebView, may be available to you, but keep in mind that they may degrade your app’s output.

3. Recyclability of code and pre-built modules

It assists in project time and cost savings and is a blessing to all enterprise and app developers. Even better, if the organization already has a React app, development costs are further minimized since most of the existing code can be reused to build the new app. Developers can freely access codes thanks to pre-developed modules in the open-source repository. These codes have already been written, and developers are preparing to release them.

4. Reloading with live and hot ammunition has a range of advantages

Even though they are not the same, Respond Native actively supports both Live and Hot Reloading. A coder’s modifications can be compiled and read by Live Reloading. It also sends a new file to the simulator, which starts reading the app instantly. So, if a programmer has two or three windows open for the code and the application screen, he will see the output almost immediately after making the requisite code adjustments. As a result, Hot Reloading means that the amount of time spent waiting is significantly reduced.

5. Solution That Is Both Cost-Effective and Time-Effective

React Native’s advantage of code reusability helps to reduce software development costs dramatically. This system removes the need for coders to write different iOS and Android codes, enabling them to simply code the software in the existing language. Consequently, all software development businesses would need a smaller team of native developers, resulting in a substantial decrease in project completion, assisted by the React Native community’s expertise.

6. The user interface has been streamlined

The implementation of React Native Technology ensures a simple and straightforward mobile user interface, which is the driving force behind its use. Instead of being a standard framework, the Javascript library approaches an open-source framework. Developers can achieve the required series for developing apps with the aid of this technology.

7. Libraries and ready-made solutions are available

React Native provides a variety of ready-to-use solutions and libraries that developers can use for free. The methods not only make app development simpler but also allow developers to concentrate on writing bug-free code.

8. Stability and Reliability Have Improved

React Native is also useful for simplifying data binding to preserve the parent data and prevent it from being impacted by the child portion, resulting in more stable and consistent apps. To make any improvements to the object, developers must first change their state before implementing all updates systematically.

Companies using React native

When and Why to use React Native?

You can make UI for both iOS and Android platforms using React Native Framework. It’s an open-source system that will be consistent with other platforms shortly, such as Windows or tvOS. Since React Native elements have counterpart privileges, you can use them to create apps for both Android and iOS.

You can either integrate REACT Native elements into your current app’s code and use the extension to recycle Cordova-based software. Your current app, on the other hand, must be written in Cordova and Ionic.

Another factor the REACT Native platform has risen in popularity in recent years is that it enables mobile developers to appeal to both platforms at once, ending the holy war of choosing between iOS and Android development.


Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit for developing high-performing, elevated mobile apps, desktop apps, and innovative web apps utilizing web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It enables programmers to construct once and run anywhere. Drifty Co’s Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley designed it. In March of 2014, the first beta version of the Ionic framework was published.

The Ionic system is predominantly concerned with the front-end user interface, or UI interaction, responsible for your app’s overall look and feel. It’s quick to learn and interact with other libraries or frameworks like Angular, Cordova, and others. It could also be used without a front-end system by adding a simple script involved.

Advantages of the Ionic Framework

1. Easy to learn

Learning and creating apps using the Ionic framework is simple whether the developer has a clear understanding of CSS, HTML, or JavaScript frameworks. It also allows development firms to turn to Ionic if their needs and requirements necessitate hybrid app development.

2. Documentation is clear

Ionic has excellent and well-organized documentation. The official documents covered the bulk of what developers wanted to know.

3. Cross-platform compatibility

With one codebase, the Ionic framework can run on multiple platforms, including native iOS, Android, desktop, and the web. These programs can be written once and run anywhere.

4. User Interface (UI)

Ionic’s user interface, including themes and modules, can be fully personalized. The ionic platform enables its elements to adjust to the platform on which they are operating.

5. It’s made with AngularJS

The Ionic framework makes use of AngularJS, which gives developers a lot of options. AngularJS is the most common framework among designers lately.

Companies using Ionic

When and Why to use Ionic?

Ionic is an excellent choice for designing basic native features in an app that can run on several devices and operating systems. The Ionic framework’s main benefit is that we can develop the app once rather than several times for different devices, and we can distribute it anywhere. It allows for quick and cost-effective app growth. It also cuts down on the amount of maintenance needed.

Which Structure Is Best, When, And Why Is It Best?

Ionic is well-known for its quick learning curve thanks to web technology, while Flutter allows developers to learn Dart to construct apps. Ionic is also not a good choice for creating high-end graphical apps or games due to wrapper plugins that can cause performance issues.

Let us assume, however, that each of these structures is superior in its own right. Many considerations must be considered when selecting a framework for cross-platform app creation, including a budget, time, application size, platforms, and so on.

Why flutter is the future of mobile frameworks?

Flutter is a development platform with a single codebase. You can publish your Flutter application on Android, iOS, desktop, and the internet. Flutter is a great place to start for a company looking to reach the digital space with limited effort and time.

The framework’s next best advantage is its ability to speed up the production and testing process. The fact that it’s a single codebase platform combined with the hot reload function makes it simple for developers to construct apps while checking them in real time.

Flutter comes with a range of open source packages that help you build quickly. YouTube player, Flutter Ecommerce, and Frideos flutter are a few examples. Furthermore, since it is an end-to-end open source platform, developers from all over the world are continuously contributing to the library, extending the framework’s capabilities.

This proves the point why Flutter is the best framework or at least most advantageous, still if you have any queries then you can just write to us at sales@ateamindia.com and we’ll be more than happy to help you with your framework needs. Learn more our Mobile App Development Services

Originally published at www.ateamindia.com on March 9, 20201

