Why I’m Excited About Data Science!

Anterra Kennedy
Atha Data Science
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2020

April 28th, 2020

I wanted to take a moment to get down just why I’m so passionate and excited about the field of Data Science itself, how powerful I think it is to solve problems and create change, and why I think it will suit me so well.

But first, some other exciting things! First of all I turned 25 this week. It feels wonderful and surreal that in the past several weeks my life direction has manifested so clearly before me upon entering the latter half of my twenties; I feel trusting and confident in it, and so inspired!

Second, I bought a MacBook Pro! I’ve never used a Mac in my life, but already in just several weeks of beginning to learn Python on my (older) Windows laptop, I could see difficulty in integrating Python into a Windows environment, experienced a lack of command line capability and ease, and furthermore picked up on a clear preference toward Mac amongst the data science community. I was in need of a new laptop anyway, so I decided to make the switch so I can used to the new OS from the beginning of my new career’s journey, rather than getting any farther along in Windows and then needing to switch later on and hence being more out of my element and having more difficulty adapting. I love it! The learning curve wasn’t too steep, both the hardware and software are so gorgeous and the UI is really intuitive and pleasing!

Third, I discovered the Metis Data Science Bootcamp Program, and have made the decision to apply. The program is robust, intensive and comprehensive, and I know it would elevate my skills and prepare me for a career in data science in a way far beyond what I’d be able to do if entirely self-taught, and at a far more accelerated pace. Since I’ve already been so motivated and productive just self-teaching, I know I can channel this passion into the structure of the course. And furthermore because the course is so advanced, all of the self-led background research will prepare me for success in the program. Having identified this program as a goal has re-contextualized what I thought possible for myself on this path, reinvigorated my passion, to dream bigger.

Which brings us to data science and how excited I am to be entering this field.

I find data science to be so ubiquitous, and unbelievably powerful in its versatility. Data is indeed everywhere, and for all the times throughout various research projects I’ve been involved in I’ve felt there must be a more efficient and comprehensive method to look at the big picture and draw more meaningful conclusions — there is! And what’s more, data science is always evolving and adapting to the ever-changing needs of data solutions. I couldn’t be more excited to be entering a field where I can once obtain mastery, but also never stop learning. It also feels like the perfect middle ground between programming and science or engineering, where I can innovate and problem solve, yet my “laboratory” is my own laptop and program, the simplicity and power of which I love.

